PEP人教版小学英语(三年级起点)六年级下册《Unit3 Where did you go? B Let’s talklearn》课件.ppt

PEP人教版小学英语(三年级起点)六年级下册《Unit3 Where did you go? B Let’s talklearn》课件.ppt

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模板来自于 * 模板来自于 * Unit3 Where did you go? B Let’s talklearn 义务教育教科书 英语(PEP)(三年级起点)六年级下册 summer holiday What Where A:How was your summer holiday? B:It was good/ok. A:Where did you go ? B:I went to ... A:What did you do there? B:I... work in pairs Name Where Sarah Hangzhou Amy ? bought gifts buy-----bought Read your book quickly and find the answer. Where did Amy go over the winter holiday? A. Shandong B. Sanya B Hainan is far from here. 海南离这很远。 2705km Hainan Beijing How did you go there? Watch the video again and find out Amy’s answers.(看视频,回答问题。) Watch carefully again and find out the answers.(看视频,回答问题。) Watch the video again and find out Amy’s answers. (看视频,回答问题。) 1. How did you go there? We went there by plane. LOREM got married LOREM honeymoon (蜜月旅行) Its warm in Sanya. Its cold in Linyi. beach 海滩 It was beautiful. Read your books and find out Amy’s answers. (看课本,回答问题。) 2. What did you do there? I took lots of pictures, and I also went swimming. took pictures take----took went swimming go---went LOREM / ??? ??? ??? Where 用来提问__________, What 用来提问___________, How 用来提问__________________。 How Where What SUMMARY 讨论Where、What和How的不同。 地点(哪,哪儿) 事情(什么) 方式,进展情况(怎样,如何) Read, choose and fill. 1. A: did you do on your holiday? B: I read a book. 2. A: did you go to Shanghai? B: I went there by train. 3. A: did you go last holiday, Sarah? B: I went to Beijing. What How Where S1: Where did you go over the winter holiday? M: I went to … S1: How did you go there? M: I went there by… S1: What did you do there? M: I … Ask and answer. 模板来自于 * 模板来自于 * 模板来自于 * 模板来自于 * 模板来自于 * 模板来自于 * 模板来自于 * 模板来自于 *


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