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Module 1—Module2 一.首字母填空。 Have you c________ your mistakes? You can send m________ to her by mobile phone. Mr. Green came in with a big s________ on his face. Tony is the c________ of the school football team. It s_______ really brilliant. My friend has been a______ , so we keep in touch by email. 二.单项选择。 1. Will you _____ the football match this afternoon? A. look at B. watch C. to see 2. Tom, I hope you can look after _____ on the trip. A. himself B. myself C. yourself 3. He ______ his vocabulary as soon as possible. A. increases B. should increase C. has increased 4. ----Ms Yang wears silk shirts _______. ------- Because she likes silk very much. A. all the time B. never C. sometimes 5. ---- Let’s go to see a film, ______? ----- It sounds brilliant. A. What do you reckon? B. What about you? C. What else? I can help you _____ your homework. A. to B. in C. with Mum is asking ______ advice about dinner. A. to B. for C. up Please try ______ English clearly. A. to say B. to speak C. to talk How about ______ deep breath. A. to take a B. take a C. taking a 10. We’re ______ some concerts in China. A. do B. did C. doing 11. Why don’t you ______? A. write down it B. it write down C. write it down 12. ----- ______ you ____ a composition ? ----- No, never. A. Do / enter B. Did / enter C. Have / entered Who invited the boy ______ here? A. to come B. comes C. coming The plane _____ from Foshan two days a week. A. takes away B. takes off C. takes care 15. -----The first prize is the holiday of your dream in Beijing. ------ __________. A. It sounds brilliant! B. Ready ? C. Thanks a lot! 16. _____ improve your reading at first? A. Why don’t B. Why not you C. Why not 17. ---- Have you ______ any books? ----- Not yet! A. write B. written C. wrote I _____ Hong Kong twice. A. has been to B. have been to C. have gone to My family went to Xiamen _____ our holiday. A. for B. at C. in _____ Helen ever _____ English food? A. Have / has B. Have / had C. Has / had 三. 完成句子。 1. 这个聚会令我们玩得很开心。


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