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教育资源 仁爱英语 七年级下册 Unit 5 Our School Life 我们的校园生活 Topic 1 I usually come to school by subway. 我通常乘地铁来上学。 Section A 1a Kangkang: Happy new year! 康康:新年快乐! Jane and Helen: The same to you. Nice to see youagain, Kangkang. 简和海伦:新年快乐。很高兴再次见到你,康康。 Kangkang: Nice to see you, too. 康康:我也很高兴见到你们。 Helen: Oh, your new bike looks very nice! 海伦:哦,你的新自行车看起来很漂亮! Kangkang: Thank you. 康康:多谢夸奖。 Helen: Do you often come to school by bike? 海伦:你经常骑自行车上学吗? Kangkang: Yes, I do. How do you usually come to school? 康康:是的。你平时都是怎么来上学的呢? Helen: I usually come to school by subway. 海伦:我通常乘地铁来学校。 Kangkang: You mean you usually come to school by underground? 康康:你是说你经常乘地铁上学? Helen: Youre right. How about you, Jane? 海伦:是的。你呢,简? Jane: I always come to school by bus. Oh, its time for class. Come on. 简:我总是乘公共汽车来学校。哦,上课的时间到了。快点儿! Section B 1a Helen: Michael, what time do you usually get up onweekdays? 海伦:迈克尔,你通常都是什么时候起床? Michael: I always get up at about six oclock. 迈克尔:我经常六点钟左右起床。 Helen: The early bird catches the worm. How doyou usually come to school? 海伦:早起的鸟儿有虫吃。你通常怎么去学校呢? Michael: I usually come to school on foot, butsometimes by bike. How about you? 迈克尔:我通常步行去学校,但是有时候骑自行车。你呢? Helen: I seldom walk to school. I often come by subway. What about you, Sally? 海伦:我很少走路去上学。我经常坐地铁去。你呢,莎莉? 教育资源 教育资源 Sally: I never come to school by subway. I always take a bus. 莎莉:我从来不坐地铁去学校。我总是坐公共汽车。 Section C 1a Janes day 简的一天 Jane usually gets up at twenty past six. 简通常 6 点 20 分起床。 At seven oclock, she has breakfast with her parents. 7 点时,她和父母一起吃早饭。 She goes to school by bus at half past seven. 7 点半乘公共汽车去上学。 Classes begin at eight. 8 点开始上课。 She has four classes in the morning. 她上午上四节课。 She have lunch at school at tweleve ten. 她 12 点 10 分在学校吃午饭。 She has two classes in the afternoon. 下午上两节课。 After school, she often play soccer with her classmates. 放学后,她经常和同学踢足球。 At a quarter past five, she takes the subway home. 5 点 15 分,她乘地铁回家。 She gets home at five thirty and has dinner at seven oclock. 她 5 点 30 分到家, 7 点吃晚饭。 After dinner, she o


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