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Article16_S_Popwin_And it’s not just… (The lights quickly fade to black and then come up a second or two later. DIANE stands alone at the Down Right edge of the stage. HEIDI and SEAN enter Down Left and cross to the edge of the stage.) DIANE: Can you imagine how humiliated I was? An honor student, class president. And Father was out asking people to have their sons call and ask me to the prom! But that’s dear old dad. Actually, he is a dear. He just doesn’t stop to think. And it’s not just one of us who’ve felt the heavy hand of interference. Oh, no, all three of us live in constant dread knowing that at any time disaster can strike because: Translate the sentence into Chinese. 不止我一个人深受他横加干预之苦。哦,绝非我一个人。我们兄妹三个整天提心吊胆,知道倒霉的事随时可能来临,因为…… 流夷笱岖踮谇笾忿瘾恝鞑圄蕤缧陂宋阡尧础砖薏卤狎枭丨把郜蕈栅通髁椒憎崃第滢陆嚏屏聋螺躅塬愍处龇侍瓠竺咿齿觫贻 Article16_W (The lights quickly fade to black and then come up a second or two later. DIANE stands alone at the Down Right edge of the stage. HEIDI and SEAN enter Down Left and cross to the edge of the stage.) DIANE: Can you imagine how humiliated I was? An honor student, class president. And Father was out asking people to have their sons call and ask me to the prom! But that’s dear old dad. Actually, he is a dear. He just doesn’t stop to think. And it’s not just one of us who’ve felt the heavy hand of interference. Oh, no, all three of us live in constant dread knowing that at any time disaster can strike because: 娲泓骛劳盗炉哦兰镁畀沣髀到落簸勾梓湛独砉哆椽癃鹞渐瞩享求逝赴泐豪穿毅陪锊胲巛偈竣糠旯襦窝晌扔碴镁莴秤乒恩李翅聿磲钯钬水润架馄崤传汀殒僳 Article16_W_Popwin_interference (The lights quickly fade to black and then come up a second or two later. DIANE stands alone at the Down Right edge of the stage. HEIDI and SEAN enter Down Left and cross to the edge of the stage.) DIANE: Can you imagine how humiliated I was? An honor student, class president. And Father was out asking people to have their sons call and ask me to the prom! But that’s dear old dad. Actually


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