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摘 要 中国东北孕育了中国工业,奠基了日后中国工业的进步和发展。第二、第三个“五 年计划”时期对重工业的重视,使得自然资源大量流失、只注重产量不注重技术使得工 业产值大幅下降。2003年国家开始正式振兴东北经济,然而自2010年以来,中国经济 进入下行周期,东三省的经济数据却远远低于全国水平,中国东北经济再次失速。因此 找到真正能带动东北经济振兴的驱动因素就变得尤为重要。本文首先阐述东北经济发展 现状以及发现问题,其次结合东北地区各行各业发展情况以及新兴政策下的经济振兴拉 动性力量,提出了四大驱动因素,成为本文核心。这四大驱动因素分别是新兴产业的带 动、装备制造业方面的优势、区域优势下的国际贸易、基础雄厚的科教优势。其中新兴 产业包括医药产业、高铁产业和高档数控机床产业。东北经济振兴不能盲目进行,否则 会出现空有策略而实无效果的现象。因此找到驱动因素至关重要,结合驱动因素提出的 这些措施才是东北经济振兴的拉动性力量。 关键词:东北经济;驱动因素;优势产业;振兴措施 The Analysis of Driving Factors of Northeast Economic Revitalization Abstract The northeast of China brings a rapid development of China9 s industry. During the second and third five-year plan, the northeast of China gradually paid attention to the heavy industry .Therefore, natural resources suffered a great loss and also the only attention on quantity instead of quality decreased the value of gross output rapidly.The government officially started revitalizing northeast economy in 2003,ho we ver, after 2010,Chinas economy stepped in a recession period, the economic data of northeast of China was far below of the national level.Therefore,to figure out what is the driving factor during the revitalization is more and more significant.First of all the thesis states the current economic situation and finds out the economic problem of northeast of China,then it comes to the core of the thesis,puts forward four driving factors through the analysis of all walks of life and present highlighted economic indication.They are development of emerging industry, the advantages of equipment manufacturing industry, the international trade brought by regional advantages and the strong advantage of science and education.And the emerging industry here in the thesis includes pharmaceutical industry,high-speed railway industry and high-grade CNC machine industry.The revitalization can not go on wheels without systematic analysis. The driving factors are the true power which can bring the northeast of China an ever-brighter future. Key Words: The Northeast E



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