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摘要 中小企业是促进当地经济发展至关重要的中流砥柱,是经济活动中的主体。 目前,在经济全球化的不断发展中,我国中小型公司的成长出现了比较大的困难, 尤为体现在筹措资金方面。最近几年以来,中小型公司成长飞快,对资金的需求 量大,但筹措到的资金满足不了公司的发展,筹措资金的本钱较高。在经济不景 气的挤压之下,中小型公司筹措资金的问题尤为明显。为了应付资金危机,除了 政府扶持、社会支持外、企业还应加强自身建设、强化内部管理、提高竞争力。 该文以东日升铸造有限公司为例,探讨中小型公司在筹措资金方面存在的问 题及解决的办法。东日升铸造有限公司是属于民营性质的劳动密集型中小企业, 这类企业一般产品技术含量较低,需要政府的高度关注与大力扶植。对东日升铸造 有限公司融资现状进行研究分析,有助于其选择合适的融资方式,摆脱资金困境, 并能够为解决同类型中小企业的融资问题提供借鉴。 关键词:中小企业 融资市场经济 ABSTRACT SMEs are crucial to the promotion of local economic development, the mainstay of economic activity in the body. At present, the development of economic globalization, Chinas small and medium sized companys growth there has been great difficulties, particularly reflected in the fund-raising. Last few years, small and medium companies to grow fast, the demand for funds is large, but can not raise funds to meet the companys development, higher financing costs. Under the economic downturn squeezed SMEs financing problem is especially evident. In order to cope with the financial crisis, in addition to government support, social support, enterprises should strengthen self-construction, strengthen internal management and improve competitiveness. In this paper, Sunrise East Casting Co., Ltd., for example, to explore financing small and medium companies in terms of problems and solutions. East Sunrise Casting Co., Ltd. is part of the private nature of the labor-intensive small and medium enterprises, such enterprises are generally low technological content of products, the need for government attention and strong support. East Sunrise Casting Co. Situation financing research and analysis, which will help choose the appropriate means of financing, to get rid of financial difficulties, and can provide a reference for solving the problem of the same type of financing for SMEs. Key words: SMEs;Financing;Market economy TOC \o 1-5 \h \z \o Current Document 一理论基础 1 (一) 中小企业融资概念 1 (二) 中小企业融资的相关理论 1 \o Current Document MM理论 1 权衡理论 2 \o Current Document 不对称信息理论 2 (三) 中小企业融资渠



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