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从女性主义角度解读《曼斯菲尔德庄园》中的女主人公范妮 [摘要]简?奥斯汀(1775 —1817), 19世纪英国小说家,世界文学史上最具影响力的 女性文学家之一,她的作品格调轻松诙谐,富有喜剧性冲突,深受读者欢迎。 《曼斯菲尔德庄园》是简?奥斯汀的中后期作品,以青年男女的恋爱婚姻为题材, 与其他作品相比,本书情节更为复杂,突发性事件更加集中,社会讽刺意味也更加浓重。 小说以女主人公范妮?普莱斯为主轴,讲述了范妮从内心软弱到逐步走向成熟的蜕 变,向读者展示了一个强大的女性精神世界,并透过范妮的高尚品格讽刺了传统文化中 的愚昧观念。本文从女性主义角度,对小说中的主人公范妮进行了深入的分析,探究并 展示了范妮内心逐渐强大的女性独立精神,及其自我反抗后的幸福回报。 本文主体共分三部分: 第一部分简要介绍了女性主义思想理论。女性主义追求男女平等,主张女性独立自 主的婚姻爱情观。 第二部分分析了小说中女主人公的女性意识。从小寄人篱下的生活境遇,让范妮对 自由有着强烈的渴望;她品德高尚,追求本心,厌恶由金钱支撑的婚姻,追求灵魂契合 的爱情;面对父权制的压迫,她勇于反抗,决不妥协! 第三部分阐述了范妮因不懈努力获得了美好的结局。曼斯菲尔德庄园重回往日的和 谐与温馨,范妮赢得了大家的尊重和幸福的婚姻,她的女性主义精神也得以延续。 总而言之,本文通过分析小说中范妮的女性意识表明,女性只有保持人格独立,才 能实现人生的价值;只有自己把握命运,才能获得内心渴望的幸福。 [关键词]《曼斯菲尔德庄园》女性主义范妮 An Analysis of Fanny in Mansfield Park from the Perspective of Feminism [Abstract] Jane Austen (1775 — 1817), one of the influential British novelists in the nineteenth century. Jane Austens works are almost romantic novel, she gained her a place in British literature, which has widely read writers and landed gentry. She also earned her a historical importance among scholars and critics because of her realism, irony and social commentary as well as her acclaimed plots. Mansfield Park was an important representative of Austins fictions, and it was very controversial. Mansfield Park was concerned about marriage and love, and the plot of it was more complicated than Austins other novels. In this novel, the heroine Fanny was a girl who had a powerful and rich spiritual world. The novel mainly narrated the process of Fannys self-resistance. Although Fanny was weak in the patriarchal society, she still broke through the traditional principle and gained perfect marriage by her own efforts. This paper aims to explore the novel from the perspective of Feminism to reveal Fanny 9s struggles and inner illogicalities. The paper shows the patriarchy in the eighteenth century in Britain. It also indicates that girls should have independent personality and struggle for their own happiness. The paper consists of three parts: Part One briefly


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