
考研六级英语作文 社会公德.docVIP

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社会风尚公德 social morality 社会道德   social issue 社会问题   money-worship 金钱崇拜   belief 信念   morality 道德   honesty/integrity/ credibility诚信   code of conduct 行为准则   undesirable actions 不良行为   decent man 正派的人   good manner 好的行为   key indicator 关键指标   educational campaign 教育活动   consciousness 意识   social ethics 社会公德   public virtue 公众道德   humanitarian spirit 人道主义精神   respect human rights 尊重人权   the construction of social morality   社会公德建设:   the loss of public morality 公德的丧失   pursuit of economic benefits 追求经济利益   satisfaction of material 物质利益的满足   significance of social morality社会道德的意义   warm-hearted people 热心人   helpless people 无助的人,需要帮助的人   volunteers 志愿者   spirit of volunteers志愿者的精神   a thought-provoking socialphenomenon 引发人思考的社会现象   psychological counseling 心理咨询   donate money 捐钱   relinquish/offer one’s seat to sb. 让座   care for the vulnerable 关怀弱者   respect the aged and cherishthe young 尊老爱幼   be eager to assist people 乐于助人   fraud 欺诈   forge 造假   fake commodities 假冒伪劣产品   academic cheating 学术造假   moral decay 道德败坏   the harm to society 社会危害   social civilization 社会文明     From the above cartoon we can see that one man is making an apology to the otherman, admitting voluntarily that he damaged the other man’s car, and offeringhis compensating contract to the man whose car was damaged。   What the picture is intended to convey is a much concerned social morality of honesty in our society. As is known to all, honesty is one of the long-cherished Chinese virtues. But in fact some of us fail to be honest. For example, to earnhuge profit, some businessmen manufacture or sell counter feits at the cost of consumers’ interests. Like wise, for the purpose of improving the ratings, the media may peddle sensational stories or twist the news to attract the publicattention without any sense of responsibility. It is also not hard to spotcases of such kind in the field of education, medicine, accounting,entertainment, etc. It is apparent that, if let the fraud go on, living in oursociety,


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