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彭 慧等 固有淋巴细胞研究进展 第 2 期 ·145·
doi: 10.3969 /j.issn.1000-484X.2015.02.001
· 专家述评·
彭 慧 田志刚 (中国科学技术大学免疫学研究所,合肥 230027)
中图分类号 R392 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1000-484X(2015)02-0145-07
[摘 要] 长期以来,自然杀伤(NK)细胞被认为是固有免疫系统中唯一属于淋巴谱系的细胞群体,然而近来研究揭示
人和小鼠体内存在着多种类型的固有淋巴细胞(ILC)。 这些新发现的 ILC 群体主要分布于黏膜屏障部位,尽管数量较少,但
在抵抗病原体入侵和维持组织器官稳态等方面发挥重要作用。 ILC 发育分化早期存在着共同前体,但在后期阶段受不同转录
因子调控,成为表型和功能不同的 ILC 成员。 不同 ILC 亚群有着不同的细胞因子分泌谱,依据辅助性 T 细胞亚群的分类方法, ILC 家族可以分成三类。 ILC 多样性的发现极大地丰富了固有免疫的内涵,也为我们研究固有免疫和适应性免疫之间的联系
[关键词] 固有淋巴细胞;黏膜免疫;表型;功能;发育分化
Advances in innate lymphoid cells
PENG Hui, TIAN Zhi-Gang畅Institute of Immunology, University of Science & Technology of China, Hefei
[Abstract] Natural killer (NK) cells have long been considered the only representative of lymphocyte lineages among the
innate immune system,but recent studies have revealed that several types of innate lymphoid cells (ILC) exist in both humans and
mice畅These newly identified ILC populations were mainly distributed at mucosal barriers ,regardless of their rarity,they play important
roles in the defense against pathogens and in the maintenance of tissue or organ homeostasis 畅In the early stages of ILC development ,a
common ILC lineage-restricted progenitor exists and under the control of different transcription factors ,the progenitor can later give rise
to different ILC subsets with distinct phenotypes and functions 畅Different ILC subsets exhibit distinct cytokine secretion profiles ,based
on the categorization of helper T cell subsets ,ILC family has been further classified into three groups 畅The finding of diverse ILC
extremely enriches the content of innate immunity ,and also provides new insights into links between innate and adaptive immunity 畅
[Key words] Innate lymphoid cells;Mucosal immunity;Phenotype;Function;Development
彭慧(1985 年-),2006 年本科毕 创新团队负责人、2008 和 2011 年国家基金委枟天然免疫与
业于中国科学技术大学生物科学专 重大疾病发生发展枠创新群体负责人。 2008 年国家自然科
业。 2006 年至 2012 年在中国科学技
读。 2012 年至 2014 年在中国科学技