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有关食物的趣味短语 李婉卿 1、take with a grain of salt accept or believe only part of something 对某事持怀疑态度,有所保留地相信某事 You should take everything that he says with a grain of salt as everyone knows that he likes to exaggerate things when he is speaking. 对于他所说的事,你得持保留态度,因为大家都知道他这个人说话喜欢夸大其词。 2、upset the applecart ruin a plan or event by surprise or accident 无意间地破坏某人的计划,出其不意地坏事 Everything was going well at the company until he came along and upset the applecart. 公司里所有事都进展顺利,可他却突然插了一竿子,坏了事。 3、worth one’s salt being a good worker, worth that one is paid 人称其职,是值得雇佣的 He has only been working here for a month but over and over he has proved that he is worth his salt. 他在这儿只工作了一个月,却一再地被证明他是非常称职的。 4、apple of one’s eye someone or something that one likes a lot 某人非常喜欢的人或东西,掌上明珠 The little boy is the apple of her grandfather’s eye. 这个小男孩是她祖父的掌上明珠。 5、bad egg a bad person, bum (一般用于男性)坏蛋,坏家伙,不可信任的人 My roommate is a bad egg so you should try and avoid him if you can. 我的室友是个坏蛋,所以,你尽可能别去惹他。 6、big cheese an important person, a leader 大人物,最重要的人物 She is a big cheese in her company so you should be very nice to her. 在公司,她可是个大人物,所以,你得对她好点。 7、bread and butter basic needs of life, such as food, shelter, clothing 生活里最基本的需要 People are worried about bread and butter issues like jobs and taxes. 人们总是为了诸如工作、纳税这样的基本生活需要而担忧。 8、out to lunch crazy, mad 心不在焉,神不守舍,怪诞,发疯 She is totally out to lunch and you should never believe what she tells you. 她这人完全疯了,所以,你不要相信她告诉你的话。 9、a piece of cake a task that is easily accomplished 一件事太容易了,不费吹灰之力就能完成 It was a piece of cake. I had everything done before lunch this morning. 这事太容易了,今天中午前我就全搞定了。 10、polish the apple flatter someone 溜须拍马,奉承讨好 Nobody likes her because she is always trying to polish the apple with her teacher. 没有人喜欢她,因为她总是拍老师的马屁。 11、souped up change something to make it faster or more powerful like change or adding something (某物经过改装)速度加快或威力增大 The new car that his neighbor brought is souped up matter of that one that he had last year. 他邻居买的那辆新车就是他去年买的那种型号经过改装的。 1


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