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11. _____ fire, summon the fire brigade. A. In case of B. In the teeth of C. In danger of D. In defiance of 12. _____ Harry, all of us were anxious to go surfing. A. Under the auspices of B. Under cover of C. With the exception of D. With respect to 演示课件 30. fill in on告诉 31. keep on at纠缠,使烦恼 32. bring around to说服 33. deck out in用…装扮起来 34. fill in on告诉 35. fob off with搪塞,(用诡计、借口)把…对付掉 36. let in on让…知道〔参与 37. put down to归因于 38. put up to纵容 39. take out on向别人发泄自己的情绪 40. put up for交付,提供 演示课件 26D 1. attraction for对……的吸引力 2. in the mood for有心情做 3. degree in …学位 4. patience with对……有耐心的 5. point in有意义 6. point of作用点,显着点 7. pride in以…为傲 8. hope of希望 9. enough of受够了 演示课件 10. talent for天赋 11. effect on对…有影响 12. idea of灵感 13. marriage to 与某人的婚姻 14. reason for …的原因 15. confusion about …的困惑 16. effect of影响 17. key to使与…一致〔适合,〕某问题的答案 18. immunity from 免除 19. limit to(把…)限制在…, 局限于… 演示课件 20. substitute for用…代替, (使)代替 21. buy sth. for … 以多少钱购入 22. expression for 表达 23. escape from 逃避, 逃出 24. familiarity with熟悉 25. ban on禁止 26. chance of机会 27. repugnance to厌恶, 憎恶 28. invitation for邀请 29. exception to例外情况 演示课件 30. proof of作……的证据 31. satisfaction in对……感到满意 32. influence on对…有影响 33. privilege of 享有…的权利 34. sympathy for对……的同情 35. expert in在……熟练 36. shelter from保护某人不受(灾难,风雨)打击 37. difference between二者之差别 38. provision for为……作准备 39. credit to为…增光的人〔事物〕 演示课件 40. access to能接近,进入,了解 ,有权使用 41. punishment for 因…受处罚 42. prevention to 预防 43. affinity to喜欢,有…关系 44. disgrace to耻辱 45. expression to表达 46. liking for对……喜爱 dislike to不喜欢 47. stain on有污渍 48. prejudice against对……的偏见,偏重 49. key to使与…一致〔适合,〕某问题的答案 50. forbearance for忍耐, 克制; 宽容 演示课件 26E 1. by accident偶然地 by chance偶然地, 意外地 2. in suspense悬而未决;处于焦灼等待状态,心神不宁 3. in general一般而言, 总的来说 in haste急速地,急忙地,草率地 4. in ruins严重受损, 破败不堪 5. in full swing正在全力进行中, 活跃 6. in a sense在某种意义上, 在一定程度上 7. in view of由于, 鉴于 on view 展览着, 陈列着 for a week一个星期 演示课件 8. by sur


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