商业研究方法Business Research Methods.ppt

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;Instructor 授课老师;Textbook 教材;Introduction 课程简介 ;Content 课程內容;课程结束后,学生需能: 领会管理研究方法的内涵 了解当前管理研究的现状 了解管理研究方法范式 可评估,选择,及运用适当方法解决管理研究问题 能就其希望解决的问题设计合理的研究方案 掌握数据收集和分析方法 了解学术论文撰写的基本范式 能批判性的评估相关研究成果。 ;Grade Requirements 课程要求;Grades 评分标准 ;Class Schedule 授课进度 ;第一周;What Is Research?;What Is Research?; is a process of planning, acquiring, analyzing, and disseminating relevant data, information, and insights to decision makers in ways that mobilize the organization to take appropriate actions that, in turn, maximize business performance. -- Cooper the systematic and “objective” process of generating knowledge for aid in making business decisions ;;What Isn’t Research?;Philosophy of Research;Positivism实证主意 (rejection of meta-physics形而上学) the scientific method is the best approach to uncovering the processes by which both physical and human events occur only authentic knowledge is that which is based on sense experience and positive verification Goal of science is to “uncover the truth” What we can’t objectively measure / observe are not knowable E.g. early behavioral psychologists focused on stimulus (reinforcement) and behavioral outcome; ignoring anything in between – emotion, affection, thought etc. /wiki/Positivism;Post-Positivism 后实证主义 human knowledge is based not on unchallengeable, rock-solid foundations, but rather upon human conjectures 猜想 Subjectivist 主观主义 no external reality:perception is reality Critical realism 现实批判主义 External realities independent of our thinking can be studied/ measured All measurements / theories are fallible / revisable Use multiple observations / methods;Methodology Taxonomy 1 Theorem Proof 定理证明 Engineering 工程 Empirical 实证 Case study 案例分析 Survey 调查 Field test 现场研究 Experiment 实验 Subjective / Argumentative 主观/辩论;Methodology Taxonomy 2 Theorem Proof Laboratory Experiment Field Experiment Case Study Survey Forecasting 预测 Simulation 模拟;Structure of Research;;Basic Research 基础研究 Attempts to expand the limits of knowledge. Not directly involved in t



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