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作条件状语 Working hard, you will succeed one day. Given more time, we could do it much better. United, we stand; divided, we fall. 分词作什么成分? 作让步状语 Beaten by the opposite team , the players were not discouraged and practiced even harder. Although living miles away, he attended the course. 下列结构常用过去分词 be faced with be devoted to be absorbed in be dressed in be located in be buried in be addicted to be lost in be covered with be associated with be blocked with等 解题的关键: 判断是主动还是被动;进行还是完成 是否是主语动作前完成. 是修饰人还是物 现在分词/ 过去分词的作用: 可以作形容词和副词作用,在句中作定语表语或宾语补足语或状语。 现在分词– 主谓(主动)关系或动作正在进行 过去分词-动宾(被动)关系或动作已完成 Practice 1,Upon hearing the __________ (excite) news, they jumped with great joy. 2,People ___________ (work) in that bank are well paid 3,She stood there, ________ (lean倚靠) on the tree. exciting working leaning 4, All things ___________ (consider), your article is of great value than others. 5,The fish can eat a person in two minutes, ___________ (leave) only the bones. 6,__________ (not know) what to do next, he turned to the teacher for help. 7,The child learns fast, well ___________(bring up) by his parents. Considered leaving Not knowing brought up 8,____________(wait) in the line for half an hour, he suddenly realized that he left his wallet at home. 9,While ____________ (read )the novel, he nodded from time to time. 10,He, _________ (ask) about his family , made no answer. 11,The poor man sat by the road, ____ (beg) . Having waited reading asked begging 12, She found the door ________ (close) 13, He had a strange way to make his classes__________ ( interest). 14, He was trying to make himself______________ (understand). 15, Once ___________ (publish), this dictionary will be very popular. 16, ________________ (Put) more salt into the soup, you will find it more delicious. 17, _______________ (Prepare) fully, we can achieve great things . closed interesting understood published Putting Preparing 18, where did you get you


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