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AS 2177—2006
Reconfirmed 2016
Australian Standard™
Non-destructive testing—Radiography
of welded butt joints in metal
This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee MT-007, Non-destructive
Testing of Metals and Materials. It was approved on behalf of the Council of
Standards Australia on 10 March 2006.
This Standard was published on 13 April 2006.
The following are represented on Committee MT-007:
Australian Railway Association
Australian Aerospace Non-Destructive Testing Committee
Australian Industry Group
Australian Institute for Non-Destructive Testing
Australian Nuclear Science Technology Organisation
Australian Pipeline Industry Association
Bureau of Steel Manufacturers of Australia
Engineers Australia
National Association of Testing Authorities Australia
New Zealand Non-Destructive Testing Association
TestSafe Australia
Victorian WorkCover Authority
Welding Technology Institute of Australia
Keeping Standards up-to-date
Standards are living documents which reflect progress in science, technology and
systems. To maintain their currency, all Standards are periodically reviewed, and
new editions are published. Between editions, amendments may be issued.
Standards may also be withdrawn. It is important that readers assure themselves
they are using a current Standard, which should include any amendments which
may have been published since
- AASHTO M 224-1991(R2014) 国外国际规范下载.pdf
- AASHTO MEPGD -2020 国外国际规范下载.pdf
- AASHTO T358-2015 国外国际规范下载.pdf
- ANSI IEEE-Std 315-1993 国外国际规范下载.pdf
- API Spec 20A 2017 Addendum 1 - 2018 国外国际规范下载.pdf
- AS 1544.2-2003 (R2017) 国外国际规范下载.pdf
- AS 1544.2-2003 R2017 国外国际规范下载.pdf
- AS 1544.3-2003 (R2017) 国外国际规范下载.pdf
- AS 1733-1976 (R2018) 国外国际规范下载.pdf
- AS 2003-1991 (R2016) 国外国际规范下载.pdf
- AS 2197-1978 国外国际规范下载.pdf
- AS 2205.2.1-2003 (R2018) 国外国际规范下载.pdf
- AS 2205.2.3-2003 (R2018) 国外国际规范下载.pdf
- AS 2205.3.1-2003 (R2018) 国外国际规范下载.pdf
- AS 2205.6.1-2003 (R2018) 国外国际规范下载.pdf
- AS 2205.7.1-2003 (R2018) 国外国际规范下载.pdf
- AS 2207-2007 R2017 国外国际规范下载.pdf
- AS 2331.1.1-2001 R2017 国外国际规范下载.pdf
- AS 4685.1 2014 V3 国外国际规范下载.pdf
- AS 4685.2 2014 V2 国外国际规范下载.pdf
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