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Machine-finishing technological process
one, machine-finishing technological process
The machine-finishing technological process is stipulates the components machine-finishing technological process and the operating procedure and so on the technological document.It is the machine manufacture factory most main technology document.Its concrete function is as follows:
1. The technological process is instructs the production the main technical document, is directs the scene production the basis.
Regarding large quantities of mass production factory, because the production organization is strict, the division of labor is careful, the request technological process quite is detailed, can be advantageous for the organization and the direction production.Regarding the single unit small serial production factory, the technological process may simple.But regardless of the scale of production size, all must have the technological process, otherwise the production scheduling, the technical preparation, the key technologies research, the equipment disposition and so on all are unable to arrange, the production will fall into chaotic.At the same time, the technological process also is deals with the production issue the basis, if the product quality question, may be clear about each production unit according to the technological process the responsibility.Carries on the production according to the technological process, is advantageous for the guarantee product quality, obtains the high production efficiency and the economic efficiency.
2. The technological process is the production organization and the supervisory work basic basis.
First, had the technological process, before new product investment production, may carry on before the related production the technology preparatory work.For example for the components processing preparation engine bed, designs the special-purpose labor, clamps, the measuring instrument and so on.Next, the factory design and the dispa
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