
人教英语选修7Unit5Discovering Useful Words and Expressio.ppt

人教英语选修7Unit5Discovering Useful Words and Expressio.ppt

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NSEFC Book 7 Unit 5 Discovering Useful Words and Expressions Step 1 Recognition ? Task 1: Mark out the stress and syllables of each word, tell what part of speech it belongs to and its Chinese translation. Group A: motherland shopkeeper enterprise videophone minibus Group B: visa idiom essay Rugby tutor bachelor cafeteria seminar Group C: academic optional autonomous numb Group D: qualification preparation requirement revision apology Group E: recommend acknowledge contradict occupy Group F: queue lecture comfort substitute draft routine Group G: adjust to keep it up fit in as far as one is concerned be occupied with day in and day out For Example Group A: motherland shopkeeper enterprise videophone minibus mother – land 祖国 shop-keeper 店主 enter-prise 事业;事业心 video-phone 可视电话 mini-bus 小型公共汽车 (They are all compound nouns.) Group B: visa idiom essay Rugby tutor bachelor cafeteria seminar vi-sa 签证 id-iom 习语,成语 es-say 文章,散文 Rug-by (英式)橄榄球 tu-tor 导师,助教,家庭教师 bach-el-or 获学士学位的人,未婚男子 café -ter-ia 自助食堂,自助餐厅 sem-in-ar (专题)研讨会 (They are all nouns.) Group C: academic optional autonomous numb a c-a-dem-ic 学校的,学术的 op-tion-al 可选择的,随意的 au-ton-o-mous 自主的,自治的,独立的 numb 麻木的,失去知觉的 (They are all adjectives.) Group D: qualification preparation requirement revision apology q uali-fi-cation 资格,资历 p rep-ar-ation 准备,预备 re-quire-ment 需要,要求 re-vi-sion 复查,修正,复习 a-pol-o-gy 道歉,谢罪 (They are all nouns.) Group E: recommend acknowledge contradict occupy r e-com-mend 推荐,建议 ac- know-ledge 承认,确认,答谢 c on-tra- dict 反驳,驳斥 oc-cu-py 占用,占领,占据 (They are all transitive verbs.) Group F: queue lecture comfort substitute draft routine queue n. 队列,行列 vi. 排队 lec-ture n. vi. 演讲,讲课 com-fort n. 舒适,安慰 vt. 安慰 sub-sti-tute n. 代替者,替用品 vt. 用 … 代替 … draft n. 草稿 vt. 草拟,起草 rou-tine n. 常规,日常事务 adj. 通常的, 例行的 Group G: adjust to keep it up fit in as far as one is



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