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一、 写出下列动词的 一、 写出下列动词的-ing形式。 1. climb 3. drink 5. sleep 7. run 9. walk ZXXK] 二、 读问句,选答语。| ⑴ Where is Fido now? (2) Is he drinking water? ⑶ Can I play with him now? 学*科*网] (4) What are the rabbits cbing? ⑸ Where are Sarah and Robi n? 三、 根据句意用物主代词填空。 Unit5 Whose dog is i? PartB 随堂练 eat play 6. jump 8. dance 10. fly ?」来源:学科网 They are at the zoo. He is in the kitche n. They are playi ng with each other[来源: No, he isn t. Of course. This is not my desk. is over there. ---Can you spell n ame, Harry? ---Sorry. Tom and Jack are brothers. The room is . 4. We are in the sane class. classroom is very nice. Mrs Green is my teacher. I m a student o来源:Zxxk.Com] That s a cat. name is Mimi. Tom is in the room. This pen cil-box is . Sam and Peter, look at han ds. They are so dirty. ---Mike, is this picture ?[来源:学.科.网 Z.X.X.K] ---Yes, it is. ---Ca n we put coats here? ---Yes, you can[来源:学科网 ZXXK] 四、选择与图片相符的句子 五、()1. What is Amy doing? A. She is shopp ing. ()2. What is the boy doing? A. He is climbi ng. ()3. What are the rabbits doing? A. They are eati ng. B. He is sleep ing. B. They are playi ng. ()4. What is the girl doi ng? A. She is jumpi ng. ()5. What are the childre n doing? A. They are playi ng. B. She is drinking. [来源:学*科*网] B. They are sleeping. [来源:学.科.网 Z.X.X.K] [来源:学科网ZXXK] 参考答案 、[来源:Z#xx#k.Com] climbing 2. eating 3. drinking 4. playing 5. sleeping 6. jumping 7. running 8. dancing 9. walk ing 10. flyi ng (1)-(5) BDE CA ⑵三、 1. Mine 2. your 3. theirs 4. Our 5. hers 6. Its 7. his 8. your 9. yours 10. oi[来源喜2 子的 商铺(淘宝店):/Ri466E4 微店:/ :Z,XX,k.Com] 四、 1-5 BAABA 五年级(下)英语期中检测卷 ListeningPart (45%) 、Listen and circle.录音,圈出相应的序号。(10%)A. B. C. A.B. C.7. A. skateB. snake C. sister 8.A. first 、Listen and circle.录音,圈出相应的序号。(10%) A. B. C. A. B. C. 7. A. skate B. snake C. sister 8. A. first B. four C. forty 9. A.i n the morningB. in the park C. in the eveing 9. A.i n the morning 10. A. plant trees B. paly with snow C. play sports 二、 Listen and draw.听录音,写时间。(5%) 1. ( 6: 20 ) 2.


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