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Bed in Summer 夏之眠 By Robert Louis Stevenson 作者:罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森 In winter I get up at night冬日里我夜里起床, And dress by yellow candlelight.借着昏黄的烛光穿衣裳. In summer,quite the other way,夏日里大不一样 I have to go to bed by day.我不得不在白日里上床. I have to go to bed and see我不得不上床睡觉 The birds still hopping on the tree,看见小鸟们仍在树上活蹦乱跳, Or hear the grown-up people‘s feet聆听大人们的脚步声 Still going past me in the street.依然在大街上穿梭来往. And does it seem hard to you,这时候你能进入梦乡 When all the sky is clear and blue,天空是那么蔚蓝,明亮 And I should like so much to play,我多么想玩耍 To have to go to bed by day?大白天的怎么进入梦乡? * * PEP 五年级下册 Recycle 1 Sarah’s weekend It is Saturday morning. Sarah is calling her friends. Listen and write the names. Sarah Play ping-pang Go swimming Pick apples Play ping-pang with Sarah Call your friend and plan your weekend. go shopping play basketball go swimming go on a picnic pick apples Hello. Hi, Oliver. This is Wu yifan. Are you free this weekend? Yes, Do you have any plans ? May be we can play basketball together. Good idea! It is Sunday morning. Sarah’s father is home after work. Sarah is still asleep, but robin is up. Read and complete the dialogue. Do you work at night? Yes I’m a doctor. I often work at night. When do you go to bed, then? I often go to bed at 9:00 am. Wow! When do you eat lunch? Usually, I eat lunch at 2:00 pm. When do you eat dinner? At 5:00 pm. When do you go to work? At 6:00 pm. Oh! You must be very tired. Breakfast is ready. Please enjoy it! Thanks. Find out your parents’ timetables and role-play with your partner. I usually get up at 6:00 am When do you get up, mum? at 7:00 am When do you cook breakfast? Mum! When do you go to work? I go to work at 8:30 am. My mother’s timetable get up ______ cook breakfast ______ go to work ______ eat lunch ______ go home ______ play sports ______ ________ ______ go to bed ______ 8:30am 6:30 am 7:00 am Sarah will visit Sydney in April. She asks Stella, a friend there, about the wea


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