Honesty中职英语基础模块 下册Unit 5课件2语文版.ppt

Honesty中职英语基础模块 下册Unit 5课件2语文版.ppt

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? Honesty Unit Five Hot words 1. honest : adj 诚实的 honesty: n. 诚实;坦诚 We admire his honesty. 我们羡慕他的坦诚。 2. headmaster: 合成词 3. threat : n. 威胁 threat en : v. 威胁;恐吓 He threatened the old lady with a knife. 他用刀威胁这个老太太。 4. self : n. 自己;本身 self ish : 自私的; 利己的 He is a very selfish boy. 5. deep: adj. adv. 深的 deeply : adv. 深深地 I was moved deeply. Some Proverbs 1. He is wise that is honest. 诚实的人是聪明人。 2. A great talker is a great liar. 最会夸夸其谈的人也最会说谎。 3. Its never too late to mend. 亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。 4. Confession is the first step to repentance. 认错是悔悟的第一步。 5. Respect a man, he will do the more. 你尊重别人,别人会更加尊重你。 Warming up 1. What do you think about telling lies? 2. Have you ever told lies? 3. What will you do if your friend tells a lie? questions Reading Reading: 1. stay away from : “ 离开,缺席” He often stays away from school. 他经常逃学。 2. write — wrote — written Mary wrote a letter to her mum yesterday. 昨天,玛丽给妈妈写了封信。 3. ask sb to do : 请求 / 要求某人做 … I asked her to wait. 我要求她等待。 4. take…home : 带回家 Take the box home please. 5. wait for : 等待;等候 The teacher is waiting for you. 老师在等你。 6. be sure to : 确定;确信 He is sure to win. 他确定能赢。 7. run away from home : 离家出走 8. tell lies/tell a lie: 撒谎 Parents should ask children not to tell lies. 父母应该要求孩子不要撒谎。 9. keep silent : 保持沉默 keep: 系动词 +adj. He always keeps silent at the meeting. 开会时他总是保持沉默。 10. take…out of…: 从 … 拿出 … He took an apple out of his pocket. 他从口袋里掏出一个苹果。 11. throw…away : “ 把 … 扔掉” throw — threw--thrown Why did you throw away my book? 你为什么把我书扔掉啊? 12. fly — flew — flown: 飞 fly with wind: 随风飘飞 13. at midnight : 半夜 14. find sb doing : 发现 … 做 … I found a girl dancing in the hall. 我看见一个女孩在大厅里跳舞。 15. tell the truth : 说实话;说实在的 16. not…any more : 不再 …; 再也不了 … I wont trust you any more. 我再也不相信你了。 17. take on : 承受;不安 He took on too much. 他承受太多。 18. lie —


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