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摘要摘要 摘要 摘要 我国第三部门对社会管理工作作出了积极的贡献,特别是在汶川地震,舟曲泥 石流等重大突发的危机面前,更显示了强大的社会功能,因此,促进第三部门的发 展对做好社会管理工作,促进社会和谐发展等都有重大的意义。然而我国第三部门 却尚未得到良序的发展,其中一个重要原因就是制度上的障碍。制度是约束社会成 员行为的一系列的规范,它包括正式制度和非正式制度,其中正式制度的发展和变 迁,一直是我国政府关注的焦点,同时,非正式制度作为制度结构中的要素,同样 对政府组织运行发挥着重要的作用。我国学者对第三部门的发展障碍做了许多研究, 但多为宏观上的研究,较少地从制度这一层出发,挖掘第三部门在准入困境、监管 困境,财税困境,非正式制度困境这四个现实困境进行深入的探讨。本文便是从制 度这一重要层面出发,沿着过去学者的研究轨迹,借鉴国外有关第三部门相关制度 的经验:宽松准入,严格监管,有效鼓励,积极配合等,并结合我国的具体实践, 基于制度视野,提出消解我国第三部门发展制度障碍的方法,希冀对改善我国第三部门发展的制度环境提供行之有效的路径,对中国特色第三部门的进步发展出谋献策。 关键词:第三部门:制度环境;制度障碍;对策分析 气●●●J■、.,.■.气、 气●●●J■、.,.■. 气、 ~., ;—■■一 Ⅱ AbstractThe Abstract The Third Sector makes great positive contribution to social management. Especially in disasters such as Wenchuan earthquake and Zhouqu debris,也ey show the mightier social function.So to promote the development of the 111 砌 Sector has significant meaning to social management work and the harmonious development of the society.However,the mainly reason of the Third Sector didnt get considerable development is the institutional obstacles.Institution which includes the formal institutions and informal institution iS the restraint of a series of social members’bchavior standard.The formal institution development and change is the focus of our government, and at the same time,the informal institution as a element of institution also play an important role in running government organizations.The scholars has done a lot of research about the Third Sector development obstacle,But much of the research are the f、 1 macTo,not in-depth discussion in institution.This article iS in the view of institution, along the past scholars’research删ec螂reference the foreign relevant experience,and .J7 f combined witll the practice,put forward some methods to improve the institutional enviroment,hoping to provides some effective reference for Chinese characteristics Third Sector. Keywords:the Third Sector,institutional enviromcnt,institutional obstacle, countermeasures analysis ./? ~ 镰 ■ Ⅲ ,乞 , 乞 ~ 一\ ◆ ,


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