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朴新科技教育集团 2019 年 10 月 26 日托福阅读回忆和解析 环球教育 天津学校 王沫頔 整理点评 综合点评 Passage one 学科分类 题目 生态学 kelp (2016 年 6 月 18 日) 内容回忆 一种海草 kelp ,说了它的生命周期,对海洋生物的作用,一种sea otter 对它种群的影响,人类 活动对它的影响。 k 的形态种类,特别高,可以形成forest ; 第二段,kelp 和其它水生植物类似,有 asexual 和 sexual 两种模式; 第三段,kelp 会形成海边的小生态系统,为各种动物小生物(一片专有名词)提供栖息地和食物, 同时,otter 的减少会导致另外一种生物增多,给 kelp 带来毁灭性打击。 第四段,加州的 kelp 就是这样,不过 otter 减少的影响要过段时间才能看出来,人类活动也影响 kelp ,much and subtle ; 第五段:没出题。 参考阅读 Many areas of the shallow sea bottom are covered with a lush growth 1 朴新科技教育集团 of aquatic flowering plants adapted to live submerged in seawater. These plants are collectively called seagrasses. Seagrass beds are strongly influenced by several physical factors. The most significant is water motion: currents and waves. Since seagrass systems exist in both sheltered and relatively open areas, they are subject to differing amounts of water motion. For any given seagrass system, however, the water motion is relatively constant. Seagrass meadows in relatively turbulent waters tend to form a mosaic of individual mounds, whereas meadows in relatively calm waters tend to form flat, extensive carpets. The seagrass beds, in turn, dampen wave action, particularly if the blades reach the water surface. This damping effect can be significant to the point where just one meter into a seagrass bed the wave motion can be reduced to zero. Currents are also slowed as they move into the bed. The slowing of wave action and currents means that seagrass beds tend to accumulate


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