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3 生物信息的传递(上) 基因表达= 转录+翻译 — 从 到 DNA RNA Gene expression means the production of a protein or a functional RNA from its gene 3.1 RNA 的转录 3.2 启动子与转录起始 tRNA rRNA 3.3 mRNA 原核生物与真核生物 的特征比较 3.4 3.5 终止和抗终止 内含子的剪接、编辑及化学修饰 Essential steps involved in the expression of protein genes 重点问题 什么是基因表达? 转录的基本原则;转录的基本步骤? 膜板链/反义链/负链/正链/有义链/编码链; 转录单位;上/下游序列; 转录装置及主要成份; 转录(transcription): RNA pol ?? 原核/真核的RNA pol?, 其他 如T7, mt, chl, … 以DNA为模板,在依赖 DNA的RNA聚合酶的催化下, 以4种NTP( ATP、CTP、 GTP和UTP )为原料,合成 RNA的过程。转录是DNA将遗 传信息传递给蛋白质的中心环 节。 转录因子和元件? 启动子,各种启动子,?? 原核生物/真核生物转录比较 原核生物/真核生物 mRNA特征比较 转录终止机制 在有些RNA病毒中,RNA也 可以指导RNA的合成。 RNA转录后的加工 重要名词: Pribnow box; Hogness box Transcription unit, Preinitiation transcription complex (PIC) Sense strand, coding strand; antisense strand, template strand Upstream promoter element (UPE) Monocistronic mRNA, polycistronic mRNA Shine-Dalgarno sequence (SD序列) Intron, exon; open reading frame (ORF) hnRNA , snRNA, snoRNA, guide RNA, spliceosome, ribosyme The Sense strand (coding strand) of DNA has the same sequence as the mRNA and is related by the genetic code to the protein sequence that it represents. The antisense strand (Template strand) of DNA is complementary to the sense strand, and is the one that acts as the template for synthesis of mRNA. RNA polymerases are enzymes that synthesize RNA using a DNA template (formally described as DNA-dependent RNA polymerases). A promoter is a region of DNA where RNA polymerase binds to initiate transcription. Startpoint (startsite) (Startsite) refers to the position on DNA corresponding to the first base incorporated into RNA. A terminator is a sequence of DNA that causes RNA polymerase to terminate transcription. A transcription unit is the distance between sites of initiation and termination by RNA polymerase; may include more than one gene. Upstream identifies sequences proceeding in the opposite direction from expression; for example, the bacterial promoter is upstream of the transcription unit, the initiation



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