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《U校园》新视野大学英语视听说教程2第三版unit1答案 Unit 1 Life is a learning curve Listening to the world 1-2 Sharing Practice 1 Practice 2 1) new things 2) At the moment 3) quite difficult Practice 3 ABA BBA A Practice 4 1. (1)I have ever learned (2) found 2. (3) a combination (4) body movements 3. (5) Learning to drive 4. (6) nine cases/ 9 cases (7) by most standards 5. (8) French (9) hated 1-3 Listening Use the skills 1 Use the skills 2 EAG DHB F Use the skills 3 1) speak 2) saying the wrong thing 3) practice speaking to himself / practice talking to himself 4) making mistakes 5)native speakers 6) pronunciation 7) listening skills 8) listening and reading Use the skills 4 1) embarrassed 2) hear 3)anything you like 4) going for the weekend 5) voice 6) pronunciation 7) how it sounds 8) the news 9) English television 10) on the Internet 11) sound like 12) native speaker Think and speak1 Think and speak 2 1-4 Viewing Get a clue 1 BAB View?it 1 BABA View it 2 DABAD Think and speak 1 1-6 Role-playing Note them down 1 Note them down 2 ABA ABB Note them down 3 参考: l) you should cat 2) a good 3) should not spend 4) Youre I You are 5) Why dont 6) am not sure thats 7)its a good 8) suppose so 1-7 Presenting Organize ideas 1 More practice in listening 1-8 More practice in listening Conversations 1 BDDA Conversations 2 CDAC Passages 1 DACD Passages 2 l) alternative 2)numerous 3) traditional 4)academic 5) countryside 6) athletes 7) take advantage of 8) Secondary 9) in a collective effort 10) serve as News 1 DD News 2 CD Unit test 1-10 Unit test 短对话5题(选项和内容会不一致,注意注意) 1) C. She will help the man with his assignments. 2) B. He worked hard but didnt pass the exam. 3) B. He is studying too hard. 4) C. Professor and student. 5) C. Six hours. 长对话5题(选项和内容会不一致,注意注意) 6) B. She returned to the regular English class. 7) A. Because her English was very good. 8) D. |t was frustrating. 9) C. She should have worked harder. 10) B. She should learn with teachers helping her study. 短文理解5题(选项和内容会不一致,注意注意) 11) A. Seeing


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