2020版高考一轮总复习英语模拟演练 1-4-2a必修4Unit 2 Working the land含解析.docVIP

2020版高考一轮总复习英语模拟演练 1-4-2a必修4Unit 2 Working the land含解析.doc

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Ⅰ.完形填空(建议用时17′) [2017·双鸭山一中质检]On Mothers Day, I was expecting my grown children to come back home and spend the day with me. Fifteen years earlier, I was a single mom with two children, a __1__ job and a long commute (通勤路程). So I had to shop for groceries and plan for the next week on weekends. __2__, I went shopping on Sunday. When I __3__ to the cashier that the store was really quiet that day, she replied, “Its always __4__ on Mothers Day. You must be the only __5__ out there shopping.” I know she was __6__ telling the truth and she did not mean to __7__ me. Needless to say, all I could do was to finish paying and get to my car. I hadnt __8__ realized it was Mothers Day. My children were too young to know it. How __9__ I really was! I was excited to see my __10__ soon. I decided to treat myself to an ice tea and __11__ to the sandwich shop next door. It was __12__ except for a mom and her son ahead of me. __13__ this was a single mom, celebrating Mothers Day with her son in the sandwich shop. When she finished __14__, I handed the cashier a $20 bill and said, “This is my treat. Happy Mothers Day!” The cashier was __15__ for a moment and the woman searched my face to see if she __16__ me. Wayne Dyer once __17__ the power of kindness. He said studies showed that not only do the giver and receiver of an act of kindness __18__, but an observer benefits in exactly the same way. The mom and her son felt __19__ because she had been honored and received an unexpected __20__. I felt good because I felt I had honored that part of me that wasnt honored all those years ago. 篇章导读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文.作者通过讲述自己在母亲节的经历,向读者阐释一个道理:无论是给予他人的善行还是接受别人的善举,都在传递着正能量. 1.A.routine B.demanding C.well-paid D.miserable 答案:A 根据下文的“a long commute”以及作者描述的一系列一天的工作,可知答案是routine (常规). 2.A.As usual B.Seldom C.Occasionally D.For once 答案:A 根据上下文可知,作者每周日都要去购物,故应填as usual (像往常一样). 3.A.reported B.explained C.commented D.suggested 答案:C 根据下文的“the store was really quiet, she replied”可知,此处为作者对今天超市的情况作



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