2020版高考一轮总复习英语模拟演练 1-6-1a选修6Unit 1 Art含解析.docVIP

2020版高考一轮总复习英语模拟演练 1-6-1a选修6Unit 1 Art含解析.doc

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Ⅰ.完形填空(建议用时17′) 25 years ago I got married; little did I know I would commit to lifelong household renovations (整修)! My wife likes __1__, so for her, renovations are just part of life. I love __2__ around the house, and it becomes a project that we work on together and its an incredible (不可思议的) __3__ to look at your home and appreciate all the hard work and sweat that go into it. We really do get a sense of great __4__. This past week Ive been __5__ a new floor from our dining room into our kitchen. My daughter came in and said the floor looked __6__ but added, “Why is it taking you so long?” __7__ that “so long” was in the eyes of her, I told her that I had __8__ twice and cut once. I made sure that all my measurements were __9__ so that I was not wasting materials or time. I explained that by taking the appropriate time in the __10__, the project was much faster __11__ I didnt have to rework piece after piece. I began thinking about my __12__ and how it fits into our everyday life. We should look at this philosophy in different aspects of our life. If we take the time to prepare and really __13__ the task at hand, there should be no __14__ to come back to. Think of how much time and frustration (沮丧) would be saved just by doing it right the first time, with just a little extra __15__ paid to when doing preparations. If we “measure twice”, we will begin to gain confidence and __16__ forward with a positive attitude because we know we __17__ have to “cut once”. Next time you face a new project, try double __18__ your work; you will make sure you understand the things that can go __19__ and focus on the things you can do right. Your project will run __20__ and you will be less stressed while doing it. 篇章导读:作者从自己铺地板的经历中总结出这样一个道理:做任何事情都要提前准备好、规划好,这样可以事半功倍. 1.A.art B.beauty C.change D.peace 答案:C 由空格后的“renovations are just part of life”可知,妻子喜欢生活中的变化(change). 2.A.stopping B.looking C.walking D.working 答案:D 根据下文中的“it becomes a project that we work on together”可知,此处指作者


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