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考点预测 | 文明之火酿成文化之殇 4 月 15 日,一场大火吞噬了人类八百年的文明建筑 ——巴黎圣母院, 文明 之火酿成文化之殇。 每件文物都是历史生命的延续,每座古老的建筑都铭刻了历史的符号。文 物承载了历史的沧桑与沉淀,其损毁和消失在带走文物本身的同时,也带 走了它所承载的历史文明。愿所有的文物都能远离灾难,世代传承。下面 来看一道阅读理解题,看看下面这四道题你能答对吗? Adisastrous fire surrounded Notre Dame completely and destroyed large parts ofthe Gothic (哥特式的 )architecture onMonday. “Notre Dame is our history, our literature,part of our spirit, the place of all our great events, our wars, our liberations,the center of our lives,” French President Emmanuel Macron told reporters infront of the still burning Paris landmarkand promised to rebuild Notre Dame Cathedral. “Notre Dame is burning,and I know the sadness, and this tremblefelt by so many fellow French people. But tonight, I’d like to speak ofhope too,” he said, announcing the launch of a fundraising campaign. “Let’s be proud, becausewe built this cathedral more than 800 years ago, we’ve built it and, throughoutthe centuries, let it grow and improved it. So I gravely say tonight: we will rebuild it together,”he added. The disastrous fire e ngulfed the upper reaches ofParis’ towering NotreDame Cathedral as it was undergoing renovations (翻新)Monday,threatening one of the greatest architectural treasures of the Western world astourists and Parisianslooked on horrified fromthe streets below. Franc e’s Interior Ministry said firefighters might not beable to save the structure. The fire collapsed thecathedral’s spire ( 尖顶 and spread to one of ) itslandmark towers. A spokesman said the entire wooden frame of the cathedral wouldlikely come down, and that the archof the large buildingcould be threatened too. “Everything is burning;nothing will remain from the frame,” Notre Dame spokesman Andre Finot toldFrench media. The 12th-century cathedral is home to incalculable works of artand is one of the world’s most famous tourist attractions, immortalized by Victor Hugo’s1831 novTehle Hunchback of Notre Dame. The cause of the firewas not known, but French media quoted the Paris fire brigade(消防队)as sayi


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