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我国小额贷款公司可持续发展研究 摘 要 随着社会主义新农村建设进程的推进,薄弱的农村金融,严重制约着我国农 村地区经济的蓬勃发展。小额贷款公司作为主要面向农村、改善农村金融服务的 新型经济组织,具有经营机制灵活、贷款手续简便、审批省时快捷等特点,对激 活民间资本市场、缓解农村资金短缺和解决融资难问题、支持地方经济发展具有 积极作用。2006 年 4 月 11 日,我国第一家小额贷款机构是四川广元的中区全力 小额贷款公司,包括山西平遥的日升隆等七家中西部地区小额贷款公司,成为国 家首批试点公司,这也意味着民间资本在新中国成立后,首次进入了金融业。目 前,我国的小额贷款公司尚处于成长初期,其自身经营和外部监管方面还存在诸 多需要改进和完善的地方 关键词:小额贷款,农村经济,可持续发展; Abstract :With the advancement of the process of building a new socialist countryside, rural finance weak, severely restricting the vigorous development of China's rural economy. Small loan companies as a new economic organization mainly for rural areas, improve rural financial services, with flexible operation mechanism, simple loan procedures, approving the provincial shortcut and other characteristics of the activation of private capital markets to ease the shortage of funds in rural areas and resolve the problem of financing, support local economic development has a positive effect. April 11, 2006, China's first microfinance institution in Sichuan Guangyuan area full of small loan companies, including Pingyao's Day or Long and other seven Midwest small loan companies, the company became the first pilot country this also means that private capital after the founding of New China, the first time into the financial sector. At present, China's small loan company is still in its infancy, its own operations and external regulation are still many areas for improvement and perfection. Keywords: micro finance, rural economy, sustainable development; 目录 引言1 一、 小额贷款公司的基本概念及相关理论1 (一)小额贷款公司概述1 (二)小额贷款公司贷款种类2 1、 农户联保贷款 2 2、 房地产抵押贷款 2 3、 企业保证贷款 2 4、 存货质押贷款 2 (三)我国小额信贷的发展2 二、我国农村信用社小额贷款的现状4 三、小额贷款存在的问题及原因探析5 1.日


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