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Furious Tess killed Alec at the end and got hanged to death. 故事的最后,她杀死了亚雷,自己也被处以绞刑。 And Jude is an incest story about a youth falls in love with his sister, 《裘德》写的是一个青年与他自己的妹妹相爱的故事 which brings tragedy to the whole family. 结果总之也很悲剧(这个我没看过,实在编不出来了 ) Both novels had a big impact on the ethical values at that time in the conservative England community. Now, these phenomena still exist. 这两篇小说都对当时社会的道德体系产生了很大的震动。实际上,现在 它们也是。 Hey, Honey, I must tell you something If one day, your girlfriend tells you 假如有一天,你的女友告诉你, Thomas Hardy Rage-comic Version 安徽师范大学 理论物理 庞四焘 Email: pangsitao@ Today I am going to introduce a writer, Thomas Hardy. 大家好,今天我向大家介绍一位文学家 —— 托马斯哈代。 (好像掺进来了什么奇怪的东西) Hello , I am H a rdy Thomas Hardy was a British poet and novelist 托马斯哈代是英国的诗人、小说家。 Yeah, I am good at writing Although he was known to his literature 尽管他是以他的文学著名于世的 What? he started his career as an architect 但他一开始并没有直接步入文坛,而是从搬砖盖房子开始了他的职业 for several years after graduating from a architecture course in London. 并且就这样搬了好几年的砖,盖了好几年的房子 Here‘s what he had built. ( Bazinga! ) 大概像是这样的(开个玩笑 …… ) Well, I really like his building, 他造的建筑都挺好看的 but it seems like Hardy wasnt really satisfied with what he has done. 但是哈代并不喜欢他的工作。 Because he had a dream, he wanted to become a writer. 他有一个梦想,他想成为一个文艺青年。 Two tigers, two tigers, run quickly, run quickly…. He had kept on writing poetry 他一直在坚持写诗, but nobody liked his works, no one wanted to publish his poems either. 但是当时没人喜欢他的诗,也没有人愿意发表他的诗。 Long long ago, a little girl try to sell matches in the street. … Then our desperate Hardy turned to write novels to make his dream come true. 无奈之下他只好通过写小说来实现自己的梦想。 And he succeeded! From the first novel, The Desperate Remedies to the fourth novel Far from the Madding Crowd, he has had become a famous novelist. 从第一部小说《计出无奈》开始,到第四部小说《远离尘嚣》时,他已经 变成一个著名的小说家了。 Since then, he gave up his architectural career and began to concentrate on writing novels. 从此,他不搬砖了,开始专心写小说。(以前只是写些连载小说混口饭吃) At the end of Hardys writing life, th


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