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摘 要 摘 要 小微企业作为极具活力与发展潜力的特殊单元,在促进国民经济增长、缓解社会就业压力、推动科学技术创新、维护社会和谐稳定方面具有重要作用。但与此同时,当前小微企业发展也面临着基础薄弱、质量较低、市场准入障碍、融资困难等诸多挑战,生存能力相对脆弱。近年来,电子商务的快速发展为众多小微企业提供了一个新的发展模式,成为促进小微企业持续快速发展的重要平台。基于此,本文从小微企业及电子商务模式的概念出发,对小微企业在发展电子商务模式中存在的问题进行分析,并提出了有针对性的建议,以期对我国小微企业电子商务模式的发展起到一定的启发作用。 关键词:小微企业 电子商务 电商平台 ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Small micro enterprises as the most vitality and development potential of special units, in promoting the national economic growth, relieve employment pressure, promote science and technology innovation, and plays an important role in maintaining social harmony and stability. But at the same time, the current small micro enterprise development is faced with weak basis, low quality, market access barriers, financing difficult challenges, such as a relatively weak ability to survive. In recent years, the rapid development of electronic commerce for many small micro enterprise provides a new mode of development, become the important platform to promote the development of small micro enterprise sustained and rapid. Based on this, this article from the concept of micro enterprise and electronic business model, for small micro enterprise in the development of e-commerce model in the analysis of existing problems, and puts forward some targeted Suggestions, in order to our country the development of small micro enterprise electronic commerce model inspired play a role. Key Words: Small micro enterprise E-commerce electric Business platform 目 录 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \u 1784 第1章 绪论 1 31498 1.1 本论文的背景和意义 1 25889 1.2 本论文的主要方法和设计进展 1 25067 1.3 本论文的主要内容 2 20620 1.4 本论文的结构安排 2 21272 第2章 相关概念概述 3 10200 2.1 小微企业的概念及特点 3 32088 2.1.1 小微企业的概念 3 1738 2.1.2 小微企业的特点 3 32016 2.2 电子商务模式的概念及特点 4 4380 2.2.1 电子商务模式的概念 4 9298 2.2.2 电子商务的特点 5 8400 2.3电子商务模式的类型 5 23659 2.3.1 B2B(Business to Business) 5 23560 2.3.2 B2C(Business to Consumer) 6 13525 2.3.3 C2C(Consumer to Consumer) 6 5812 2.3.4 O2O(Online To Offline) 7 4786 第3章 小微企业电子商


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