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The accept letter 罕见 Minor Revision 不多见 Major Revision 很常见 Resubmit after MR 常 见 Reject 最常见 If major/minor revision is needed Carefully consider all the points raised by the reviewers and the editor They have spent time on your manuscript, and you must give all their points careful attention Make the requested changes if you consider that these changes are appropriate Explain in a letter to the editor why you did not make the changes You will need good reasons! Return the revised manuscript as soon as possible If the comment is wrong: you can reasonably accept and modify Provide a point-to-point cover letter by resubmission How to deal comments If both referee pointed at the same point: it must be a problem If only slight modification needed, then just do it! The reject letter You are not alone (50% of the submission to good journals) Read the letter carefully to find out the reason Three types of rejection The title It should cover the main aims and/or message It should appeal to your audience It should not be too long Running title It cannot exceed a certain number of characters check instructions for authors of the journal should cover the main aims and/or message It is an abbreviated version of your title Title Abstract Figures Tables Results and discussion Rest of the paper Physical proportion No. of readers The importance of each section (J.K. Ladha) 零部件可以分开制作 统一装配,形成初稿 最后各部件构成整体 讲解给同事同学听,获得反馈(希望人家能听懂) 让自己更全面了解结果,判断哪些重要,那些不重要,决定取舍 修改和编辑(多次反复,一般6次左右) 文章的修改需要多步 第一次修改完全由你自己(用电脑)操作 问自己:我是否说了我想说的?如果我第一次看到这个新内容能否看懂?能否有更好的说法? 检查拼写和语法 还包括寻找新文献,更新新名词 Explore ideas to your subject gaps in research on a subject of interest existence of any duplication to your work Conduct a specific search manually in the library on-line searching Keep up-to-date with the specific subject 第二次修改(最好打印稿) 重点在于结构和内容 是否精确地表达了你想说的内容? 是否有遗漏的标题?次序是否正确? 摘要是否足够吸引读者? 图表是否和文章内容一致(图表能否改进?) 引用参考文献是否文章和列表一致? 第三次修改(旁观者清)


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