Unit One 跨文化交际 课件.pptVIP

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Unit One language and culture in communication 学习重点 教学内容 案例分析 资源导航 历年试题 试题答案 culture cross-cultural communication Types of communication human communication Classifications of Language Models of communication Meanings in communication Essential components of a social situation 学习重点 1 Our life depends on communication. There are all sorts of communication: human communication, animal communication, human-animal communication, human-machine communication, and machine-to-machine communication. Communication can also be divided into direct communication vs. indirect communication, face-to-face communication and distance communication such as our distance learning which is carried out through distance communication. 2 Four models of communication are constructed: information model, mono-cultural model, unilateral model and bilateral model. 学习重点 3 In communication there are three kinds of meaning: utterance meaning, speakers meaning and hearers meaning. 4 All human communication takes place in social situations. 5 Being polite is often considered a very important strategy in cross-cultural communication. However, polite expression in Chinese does not mean that it is also polite in English. Similarly a polite expression in English does not mean that it is equally polite in Chinese. ? 教学内容 :文化 可以定义为:“历史上创造的所有的生活形式,包括显型的和隐型的, 包括合理的、不合理的以及谈不上合理或不合理的一切,它们在某一时期作为人们行为的潜在指南而存在。”文化是人类所独有的,它们是社会的遗产,而不时生理遗传。文化有船承的一面,也有变化的一面。在跨文化交际研究中文化是核心。影响跨文化交际的文化因素包括一个民族的历史、传统、宗教、价值观念、社会组织、风俗习惯、社会所处于的发展阶段和社会制度等。 教学内容: 2 跨文化交际 (cross-cultural communication)指具有不同文化背景的人们之间的交际。在跨文化交际研究中应该首先把眼光集中于国别研究,集中于一个国家中的主流文化的研究。 Definitions of communication(传播的定义): Definition 1:the activity or process of giving information to other people or to other living things, using signals such as speech, body movements, or radio signals,e.g.: Insects such as ants have a highly effective system of communication. 定义1:传播是个人或团体通过符号向个人或团体传递信息、观念、态度或情感。 Definitions of communication(传播的定义) D



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