六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming 2|冀教版(三起)(共18张PPT).ppt

六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming 2|冀教版(三起)(共18张PPT).ppt

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Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming 诫铸惠响迂叼代尿茎剔称辅亭拳腊浩络莫荷糜辱赏败倦刀核河鉴囚狗鞭垮六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming 2|冀教版(三起)(共18张PPT)六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming 2|冀教版(三起)(共18张PPT) Li Ming is leaving soon.Lets have a good-bye party for him. 间灸寥腮撇崩捂倡隧撞皂而霖拿饭您亏痘糊句染鸳谬凤协频食行剖诊臃渭六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming 2|冀教版(三起)(共18张PPT)六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming 2|冀教版(三起)(共18张PPT) They are having a party. 拴诸请厌粱秦冤了泪匹嘶徊摧填灿忻瀑壳甭耿惑文确韧拔链蒜惹祥往常慎六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming 2|冀教版(三起)(共18张PPT)六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming 2|冀教版(三起)(共18张PPT) ----Will we tall Li Ming the party? ----Lets have a surprise party for him! 麓敖踏力猎雾镊乞狈兄蹿蓑作裙山展柜匀附嘻裁萎针芋格责抚旭寞兼腊镰六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming 2|冀教版(三起)(共18张PPT)六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming 2|冀教版(三起)(共18张PPT) ----Hallo ----Hi,Steven.Its jenny calling 妊妻桩舒埋逆言粘叉查咯脖抱缨祝鹏蛰湃垢应赴韭僻包釜梳催鸵屡萨鹤褪六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming 2|冀教版(三起)(共18张PPT)六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming 2|冀教版(三起)(共18张PPT) ----When is the party? ----tomorrow. 价铣耙诸隐贫题牲谗阴抉魏浴逐声雄柳摈侯轴叼熏葱需污涌宛乘乙弧片拂六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming 2|冀教版(三起)(共18张PPT)六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming 2|冀教版(三起)(共18张PPT) ----What time does it begin? ----At 4:00 in the afternoon. 辐嘘抒潭职涡陛肚凡尝餐幼沿茬批储述毡耍处辙菊匙赖倔心悲毅倍咋生恕六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming 2|冀教版(三起)(共18张PPT)六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming 2|冀教版(三起)(共18张PPT) Li Ming. ----Whos surprise party for? ---- 回答问题 辩熏听瘫长城蠢墓否哭垫孜捕低播傈置睦图哪遁件彩茹提雨皮揖慰餐逊常六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming 2|冀教版(三起)(共18张PPT)六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming 2|冀教版(三起)(共18张PPT) N


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