人教新目标英语九年级全册 Unit 4 Section B3 3a-Self Check 同步练习题 含答案.docxVIP

人教新目标英语九年级全册 Unit 4 Section B3 3a-Self Check 同步练习题 含答案.docx

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[Unit 4 Self Check] Ⅰ.从方框中选单词并用其适当形式完成包含本单元词汇的短文 require, Europe, help, shy, examination, influence,seldom, humor, interview, introduce Last Sunday, I 1.________ an Asian singer, Emily. She told me something 2.________ about herself. She said she came from a working-class background. She used to be shy and silent. She 3.________ made a speech in public. She didn't exactly dare to do anything in person. She was even afraid of ants, a kind of little insect. All these 4.________ her in her boarding school. She often failed her 5.________ and she was absent from school from time to time. As a result, her test scores were lower. Now she has changed a lot. She dares to deal with her 6.________. And she has made many friends, such as an African girl, a 7.________ boy and a British man. They are all 8.________ to her. She doesn't need any 9.________ in front of crowds, and she gets tons of attention everywhere she goes. In general, she 10.________ her private guards around her when she goes out. Her parents take pride in her and she is also proud of herself now. Ⅱ.用所给单词的适当形式填空 11.She is not used to ________(eat) Chinese food. 12.A large number of students ________(be) ill these days because of the swine flu. 13.Wood is often used to ________(make) paper. Ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成句子 14.吴先生说他很少看见这么有天赋的孩子。 Mr. Wu said he had ________ seen a child with so much talent. 15.请告诉人们如何科学地处理垃圾。 Please tell people how to ________ ________ the rubbish scientifically. 16.自我开始学英语以来,我结识了很多外国朋友。 I have made many foreign friends ________ I ________ learning English. 17.他们从小学起就一直是好朋友。 ________________________________________________________________________ 18.我们不应该担心玛丽。她足够大了可以照顾自己。 We shouldn't worry about Mary. She is ________ ________ to look after________. Ⅳ.同义句转换 19. My father often rode his bike to work last year. My father ________ ________ ride his bike to work last year. 20.What will you do with these old clothes? ________ will you ________ ________ these old clothes? 21.He has been away from ho



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