精选优1A Unit 4 Oxford English Book 1A Unit 4 第二教时.doc

精选优1A Unit 4 Oxford English Book 1A Unit 4 第二教时.doc

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第 PAGE 页码 页码页 / 总共 NUMPAGES 总页数 总页数页 1A Unit 4 Oxford English Book 1A Unit 4 第二教时 一、教学说明:1. 通过前教时的学习,学生已经能听听、说说、唱唱、指指脸部的各部位。2. 本课继续学习有关人体部位的内容,并尝试着用this is my ……介绍自己身体各部位以及身边的事物。二、教学内容: 1. 认知内容:a. 能根据指令做出反应,例如:draw a nose.b. 学会用单词hand、arm、leg、toe等表述人体部位。c. 能用句型‘this is my ……’进行介绍。2. 能力要求:学会用this is my ……介绍自己身体各部位以及身边的事物。3. 情感态度:通过介绍,激发学生大胆表现自我的情感,并树立信心。三、教学步骤:procedures contents methods purpose pre-task preparation 1. song encourage students to sing the song together. 优美的旋律、动听的歌曲,为学生创设一个轻松愉快的英语学习氛围。 2. quick response. 1) listen,say and point. 听音指向、听音判断,在复习的同时为进一步学习做准备。 2) listen and judge. while-task procedure 1. play a match. ‘ who is the better painter?’ draw a face on the board with all the features missing. ask two students to close their eyes and draw the missing parts according to the commands. e.g.: draw two eyes. 蒙眼画像,在竞赛中巩固旧知,导入新课。 2. draw a face. in groups,students draw their faces on page 20 and practise saying ‘ this is my eye’,‘this is my ear’,etc. 体验为自己画像的感觉并尝试着介绍。 3. introduction ‘hand,arm,leg, foot,toe……’ 1) teacher shows a doll to introduce its body parts,imitating a doll’ s voice. 利用对娃娃的介绍引出其他人体部位。 2) introduce the body parts. e.g.: this is my hand …… 4. imitation ‘this is my hand ……’ 1) prompt the students to follow the teacher. point and say the sentences as following: e.g.: hand,hand,this is my hand. arm,arm,this is my arm …… 有节奏地练说句型。 2) in pairs,students take turns to introduce their body parts and do the actions. 互相介绍,增进了解。 3) select pairs to act out the role play to the class. post-task activity group work. encourage students to introduce their personal items to the class. e.g.: ‘ look! this is my ruler. this is my book. ’,etc. 从生活中,从自己身边寻找素材,提高实际运用英语的能力。 assignmentask students to introduce themselves. 四、教学步骤:1. 媒体准备:录音机,歌曲磁带,图片,娃娃,学习用品等。2. 教学关注点: 引导学生自信的表现自我。3. 设计思路:a. 抓住儿童年龄特点,设计和开展丰富多彩的游戏活动,如:听音指向、听音判断、蒙眼比赛画像等,使教学内容轻松易学。b. 在学了let’s talk的内容后,请学生介绍周围的学习用品,和unit 1中的内容来个呼应,提高语言的复现率,注重语言知识的积累,同时努力提高实际运用英语的能力。 1a unit 4 oxford eng


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