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摘 要 第四部分,则分析重构或完善我国民事诉讼程序异议权的具体路径。首先, 我们必须阐明我国构建民事程序异议权制度的宏观思路,确定我国民事程序异议 权制度的体制模式和衔接机制。其次,我们必须规范民事程序异议权的程序规则: 第一,我们必须对当事人程序异议权的行使主体、对象、时间、方式等进行规制, 如程序异议权的对象为违背任意性规范的诉讼行为。第二,我们必须明确程序异 议权制度的放弃和丧失规则,并对程序异议权的放弃和丧失进行限制。第三,我 们可以引入英美法系国家的“无害错误规则”,避免过度偏向当事人程序性权利 的救济和保障,维护程序运行的安定和效率。第四,我们须明确民事程序异议权 的处理及救济机制。最后,我们需要对该项制度的配套措施予以规范,如规范程 序异议权制度中的法官释明,完善我国民事二审发回重审,完善我国民事诉讼程 序违法的制裁措施。程序异议权制度不仅有利于诉讼主体合法权益之维护,也有 利于治愈瑕疵诉讼行为,实现诉讼程序运行的经济和效率。在程序公正、程序独 立等理念和原则逐渐被倡导和接受的今天,我们应构建并完善我国的权力(利) 制约机制,逐步实现当事人诉权对法院审判权以及当事人权利之间的制约功能。 关键词:诉讼行为瑕疵;程序异议权;形式层面;责问权 2 民事程序异议权研究 Abstract The right of civil procedure dissent is a litigation right for the parties to challenge the litigation of the peoples court or the other partys violation of the litigation procedure and to correct it according to the consideration of safeguarding their own legitimate rights and interests. Although Chinas Civil Procedure Law has set up an after-effects relief mechanism such as appeal or retrial for serious violations of procedures, the lawsuits in the process of defamation have not been generally regulated. In the process of civil litigation, the court dominates the process. In order to prevent the monopoly of the court power, the civil law countries or regions generally give the parties the power to supervise the court-led litigation process. This power is the right of program opposition. The fundamental difference between the right of procedure discourse and the right of reconsideration, appeal and retrial is that the object of its action is only the violation of the peoples court or the other partys lawsuit, and does not include the content or claim of the litigation. The right of procedural opposition is a



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