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摘要 本文以伯咐墓銅器銘文為研究對象,涉及與銘文內容相關的拓本種類、年代 研究、銘文集釋、器物流傳和疑難字詞考證等方面,銘文集釋部分為本文研究的 重點內容。 第一章從研究 目標、研究意義、論文結構三個方面闡釋了對本文的撰寫理由 及思路;第二章簡要概述伯咐墓銅器的出土情況,側重對伯咐墓銅器拓本及器形 圖片的收集與梳理;第三章以時間為軸,縱向梳理出銘文的考釋簡史和年代研究 簡史;第四章的銘文集釋分為凡例、釋文和集釋三部分,匯集眾說並給出按斷; 最後一章對伯咐墓銅器器主咐與其他相關銅器器主的關係進行了考證,並對咐簋 銘文中 “俣”的地望進行分析,同時針對一個疑難字形 “ ”提出了新的釋讀 意見。 關鍵詞:金文;伯咐墓;集釋;俣;器主 Abstract This paper takes the inscription of the Bodong Tomb bronzes (伯咐墓銅器)as the research object, which involved the calligraphy types, the chronology reseaech, the explanation section of the bronze inscription, the implements circulating and the difficult word textual research. The explanation section is the important research contents in this paper. The first chapter from the research goal, research significance, the structure of the paper explained the writing reasons and ideas.The second chapter described the unearthed situation of the Bodong Tomb bronzes (伯咐墓銅器)briefly, which place emphasis on the collection and arrangement of the rubbings ,facsimiles and the implements images. The third chapter aims to comb the history of the textual research about the inscription and the year in chronological order. The fourth chapter focuses on the explanation section which includes the general notices , annotation, and the explanation section three parts. This paper will collect and judge the opinions. The last chapter textual research the relationship between the owner of the Bodong Tomb bronzes and the related characters of other bronzes,analyze the geographical position of Jingshi ( )of the Dong Gui. .In addition , give a new perspective to the knotty character pattern “ ”. Keywords : bronze inscription ,Bodong Tomb bronzes (伯咐墓銅器),the explanation section, Jingshi, the owner of bronze


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