红色英勇勋章 斯蒂芬·克莱恩.ppt

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Crane Biography Works 2.1. Fictions 2.2. Short stories 2.3. poetry The Red Badge of Courage Review, Style and technique Stephen 1. Biography Stephen Crane (November 1, 1871 – June 5, 1900) was an American novelist, short story writer, poet and journalist. Prolific throughout his short life, he wrote notable works in the Realist tradition as well as early examples of American Naturalism (美国自然主义) and Impressionism(印象主义). He is recognized by modern critics as one of the most innovative writers of his generation. The eighth surviving child of highly devout parents, Crane was raised in several New Jersey towns and Port Jervis, New York. He began writing at the age of four and had published several articles by the age of 16. Having little interest in university studies, he left school in 1891 and began work as a reporter and writer. During the final years of his life, he covered conflicts in Greece and Cuba, and lived in England with Cora, where he befriended writers. Plagued by financial difficulties and ill health, Crane died of tuberculosis (肺结核) in a Black Forest sanatorium(黑森林疗养院) at the age of 28. Crane in military uniform in 1888 at the age of 17 斯蒂芬·克莱恩(Stephen Crane),是美著名的文学家,在他短暂一生中,创作了许多优秀著作,其中长篇小说《红色的英勇标志》奠定了他在美国文坛上不可动摇的地位。   他出身于新泽西州纽瓦克的牧师家庭,曾在两所大学中肄业,1891年轻学去纽约任记者。1893年写了一部中篇小说《街头女郎梅季》,取材于纽约贫民窟的生活。1894年开始分期发表另一部小说《红色英勇勋章》,1895年成书。这部小说获得欧美各国重视后,《街头女郎梅季》遂得以重新出版。1896年,去古巴采访,途中轮船遇到风暴。他根据这次经历写成短篇小说《海上扁舟》(1898),细致地描写了4个人怎样在茫茫大海中挣扎与战斗,是美国短篇小说中的一个名篇。1898年再次去古巴采访美西战争。1900年因肺病死于欧洲。   克莱思也是一位诗人,曾发表过《黑骑者》(1895)和《战争是仁慈的》(1899)两部诗集。他的诗写法自由,不顾传统的音节和韵律,风格朴质简洁,常常通过寓言式的意象揭示生活的某个真理。评论界认为他与女诗人艾米莉·狄更生(Emily Dickinson)同为美国现代诗歌的先驱。 1885 —— Crane wrote his first story titled “Uncle Jake and the Bell-Handle”, which was not published during his lifetime. 1887 —— Crane withdrew from Pennington in protest of hazing charges. 1888 —— Crane enrolled at Hudson River Institute (Claverack College) in Claverack, New York. 1890.2 —— Cra


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