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Chapter 1 I. T T F T T T F F T T II. 1. The division of international law that deals primarily with the rights and duties of states and intergovernmental organizations as between themselves. 2. The division of international law that deals primarily with the rights and duties of individuals and nongovernmental organizations in their international affairs. 3. Legally binding agreement between two or more states. 4. Legally binding agreement between states sponsored by an international organization. 5. A long established tradition or usage that becomes customary law if it is (1) consistently and regularly observed and (2) recognized by those stated observing it as a practice that they must obligatorily follow. 6. Law code promulgated in 1804 by Napoleon that collected, arranged, and simplified French Law. 7. Law code promulgated in 1896 that is based primarily on the Corpus Juris Civilis and that is characterized by its detailed structure and its technical precision. 8.Latin: “body of civil law.” Codification of Roman law completed about A.D. 534 at the order of Emperor Justinian, which selected, arranged, and condensed the ancient laws. III. 1. International business treaties and conventions, international trade customary cases, international business precedents, and national business laws. 2. The Court of Exchequer settled tax disputes; (1) The court of Common Pleas dealt with matters that did not involve the king’s direct interest, such as title to land, enforcement of promises, and payment of debts; (2) The Court of King’s Bench handled cases of a direct royal interest, such as the issuance of “writs to control unruly public officials. IV. 1. legal family 2. civil law system 3. Anglo-American law System 4. international economic law 5. writ 6. equity 7. the supremacy of


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