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C 1. care v. 介意,在乎,关心 【短语】 take care of 照料,照管: I ’ll take good care of him. 我会好好照顾他的。 1) The old should be taken care of in our society. The old should be _____ _____ in our society. looked after The old should be _____ _____ in our society. Cared for 2) 在护士的悉心照料下,那些生病的小孩已经好多了。 Those sick children were much better under the care of the nurses. 2. catch (caught, caught) v. 捉,抓住: 捷足者先登。 ________________________________________The early birds catch the worm. 【短语】 catch up with 赶上: 如果你想赶上他, 你必须更加努力工作。 ____________________________________________ If you want to catch up with him, you must work harder. 3. chance n. 机会 Do you really think I have another chance? 你真的认为我还有一次机会吗 你成功的机会很大。 _________________________________You have a good chance of success. 【短语】 by chance 偶然地,意外地无意中地 I met my classmate by chance when I was walking along the street. ( 同义句转换 ) I _____ _____ _____ my classmate when I was walking along the street. happened to meet 4. change v. 变换,变更,改变 His speech changes my whole life. 他的话改变了我的一生。 1) When British people go out, they like to take an umbrella with them because of the __________ weather. (change) changeable 2) If you don ’t like this shirt, you can _____another one. (change) exchange 5. cheap adj. 便宜的 1) The red camera costs 1,500. The black camera costs 2,000. The black camera costs _________ _________ the red one. more than 2) The price of the computer is 5,330. The price of the digital camera is 2,000. The price of the computer is _________ than _________ of the digital camera. higher, that 3) An HTC is 2300 yuan. An iphone is 4999 yuan. HTC is much _____ _____ iphone. cheaper than 6. chemistry n. 化学: This is the beginning of the science of organic chemistry. 这是有机化学的开始。 The


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