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衡水体英文书写的原则和练习方法 1 写衡水体? 2.写 是什么? 3.怎样练习 高考对书写的要求? 1本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分,每档5分 2评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属 书写不好的话题写作可能最高拿10分, 书写好的话题写作可能最低拿10分。 6如书写较差,以至 数降低一个档次。5分 水由学印剧休 We are making progress every day. Date LAs we all know. we are what we. eat. Therefore. its ven ital for us to form healthy eating habits. However, bad eating ha-I bits are still very common among us students. Some ofus go to school without breakfast. some like to have snacks. some otherd are particulor about food, and still some eat or drink too much ll these bod habits will surely do harm to our health To keep fit, we should have various healthy dets.which in- as main food. Besides, wed better have meals regularly 第三节书面表达 五 Dear alex, I am awfully sorry ahout the severe earthquake which struck the coast of Japan on March llth aware that the earthquake and people dead and tens of thousands of people homeless On hearing the shocking nems, my heart broke. Imme diately, your smiling face flashed in my mind. and I rushed to the telephone to dial your number, however, it couldnt get through. How l wish you are all in safety ! How similar the situation is ith what Wenchuan faad in 2008! To our delight, Wenchuan has been recoverying with an optimistic aritude. I believe that ith the international help, you will rebuild your home and regain a happy life! Please remember that Ill always be by your side when you need any help. Take care Yours Sincerely, 不需太长,一行写10个,浮比 且人,不连笔。 m2加m力 v m ffort n bed ir ril. drht m d tod other aird weds anid trie honed love eory sard o it and aeuo brien thot she an stad in the 取m观破a虚平g立 From the media, we got aware that the earthquake and- terrible tsunami accompanied had caused thousands of On hearing the shocking news, my heart broke. Imme diately, your smiling face flashed in my mind, and rushed 字母书写顺序问题? 口3I ardea 练好c类的书写 bd人kl 练好上顶格类的书写,竖条不需太长。 bdh k 练好下顶格类的书写 子升Py


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