You are what you eat人如其食 社会学论文(英文原创).doc

You are what you eat人如其食 社会学论文(英文原创).doc

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“You are what you eat” (Victor Lindlahr). Does the food that you eat reflect who you are? Or is who you are an effect of what you eat? Using two case studies from your current diet, discuss the relationship between food and identity. Introduction With the progress of globalization, importance of people’s local identity and global identity rapidly become prominent. In a broad sense, local identity means individuals regard themselves as a whole with local communities, and global identity refers to individuals see themselves as a whole with people all around the world Ritzer, George. Ritzer, George. The McDonaldization of society 6. Pine Forge Press, 2010. 30. Food do not just have the function of satisfying one’s hunger, due to the differences in religion, geography, economy, culture and so on, food in each place, group or nation has different characteristics, while these uniqueness just reflect people’s unique backgrounds and identities. As Lindlahr points out, “you are what you eat”, these two identities can be fully and faithfully reflected from one’s diet Lindlahr, Victor Hugo. Lindlahr, Victor Hugo. You Are What You Eat. Borgo Press, 1980. 1. In this paper, the researcher argues that food people eat do reflect who they are. Two case studies from the author’s current diet will be analyzed to prove the close relationship between food and people’s local/global identity. 2. A case study of Chinese dumping and local identity of Chinese Chinese dumplings have the social effect of Chinese people’s identity. It is not just a kind of food, but also belongs to the cultural field in which Chinese construct identity and strengthen social relationship. Material culture and dietary behavior with the core of dumpling is an important part of Chinese people’s identity. Dumping is a representative cooked wheaten food in China. Since its birth in Han Dynasty, it has linked closely to Chinese people’s diet Avieli, Nir. Roasted pigs and bao dumplings: festive food and imagined


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