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Translation of Resume (简历的翻译) The layout of a resume 1. Cover封面 2.sef- recommendation自荐信 3. Curriculum Vitae(cCV)履历表 1) personal information个人信息 2) job objective(s)应聘职位 3) introduction to your major/ speciality专业介绍 4) professional curriculum专业课程 5) qualifications资格条件 6) educational background教育背景 7) professional /work experiences工作经历 8) hobbies and self- evaluation兴趣爱好/自我评价 4. Transcript成绩总表 5. Certificates证书 Cover 着 Self-recommendation 尊敬的领导 您好! 首先,向您辛勤的工作致以深深的敬意!同 时也感谢您在百忙之中阅读我的自荐材料。 我是浙江越秀外国语学院(英语学院)应用 英语专业08届的一名学生,即将面临毕业。经历 了三年的英语教育和大学生活,面对新的机遇和 挑战,我更坚定了“自信、自强、勤奋、谦虚” 的人生信条。 Dear Sir/Madam, 4Thank you for reading my self- recommendation in your working time II am XXX, a senior student of Zhejiang and Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages, graduating in Practical English in June, 2011. Through 3-year English education and specialized study in foreign trade on campus, facing new challenges and opportunities, I am firmer in the creed of self-confidence, self-renewal and self-effacement 越秀外国语学院是浙江省著名的外语外贸人材 培养基地,素以治学严谨、育人有方而著称。在这 样的学习环境下,我切身地体会到了学习英语的乐 趣。无论是在知识能力还是在素质修养方面,我都 受益匪浅。 Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages is well-known in Zhejiang province as the training base for foreign language talents in international trade and for her meticulous teaching and methodical education. I experience the pleasure and joy of learning English in such an academic environment and benefit a lot in both knowledge, ca pability and self-accomplishment. 年来,在师友 In the past3 years, I have laid a solid foundation of 的真诚帮助及个人的 English language knowledge 努力下,我具备了扎 with a systematic command 实的英语语言基础, of the theoretical 系统地掌握了国际贸 knowledge and practical operation in international 易、外贸单证等理论 business and trade 知识与实际操作,在 ocuments:. During the st al 各课程学习中,成绩 the courses with h;,r 优异。同时我也具备 am excellent in English 了优异的英语听、说 listening, speaking, reading iti 读、写、译等能力, Whats more important, I 并在学习中善于创新。 am innovativ


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