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从法国洛可可艺术看中国文化的影响 摘要:洛可可艺术是产生于18世纪法国并迅速遍及欧洲的一种艺术形式, 艺术风格以轻巧优美、精致奢华著称,其艺术风格与当时的中国文化的传播有 重要关系。18世纪中国商品等大量涌入法国,法国贵族对中国文化产生浓厚兴 趣,并对洛可可艺术风格的形成和发展产生重要影响。本文以绘画艺术为例, 在梳理分析中国文化和法国洛可可绘画艺术特点的基础上,选取丝绸、瓷器、 茶叶等文化载体,分析中国文化对其艺术的影响;然后以华托、布歇、毕芒绘 画作品作为典型,研究中国文化在洛可可绘画艺术中的体现;最后通过探究中 国文化促进法国洛可可艺术产生的因素,得出对当代中国文化发展启示。这对 于我们深入把握、传承和弘扬中国优秀文化,坚定当代我国文化自信,以及对 外来优秀文化的吸收,具有较强借鉴价值和重要现实意义。 关键词:中国文化、洛可可、绘画、影响 TheinfluenceofChineseculture fromRococoart in France AbstractRococo art is a kind of art stylethat originated in France in the 18th c: entury and spreadrapidly throughout Europe.It is famous for lightness, elegance and luxury.The artistic isclosely relatedtothe spread of Chinese culture in 18th century, when a largenumber of Chinese goodspoured into France.The French aristocracy ha d a strong interest in Chinese culture andhad an huge influence on the formation and development ofRococo art style.Based on theanalysisofthe characteristicsof Chines e culture and Rococopainting art in France,thispaper chooses silk,porcelain,tea and other cultural carriersto analyze the influence of Chinese culture on the art of Rococ o,andthen studiesthe embodiment of Chinese culture in Rococopainting art with the typicalworksofWatteau,Boucher andbimont;finally,by exploringthe factorsthat C hinese culturepromotestheFrench Rococo art,we can get the enlightenment for thed evelopment of contemporary Chinese culture,which has a strongreference value and important practical significance for usto deeply grasp, inherit and carry forward the e xcellent Chinese culture,to strengthen the cultural self-confidence of contemporary C hina,andtoabsorb theexcellent foreign culture. Keywords:Chineseculture、Rococo、Painting、influence 目录 第一章 绪论1 1.1研究背景与依据1 1.2研究目的与意义2 1.3研究现状综述3 1.4研究对象与内容3 1.5研究方法4 第二章 概述5 2.118世纪的中国与法国社会现状5 2.2 一脉相承的中国文化6 2.3 多重因素影响下的洛可可艺术6 2


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