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辱虐型管理对员工幸福感及沉默行为的影响——基于员工挫折感的中介作用 摘 要 辱虐型管理会对员工行为带来很强的负面影响。然而,对于辱虐型管理与员工幸福感 之间的关系以及辱虐型管理与员工沉默行为之间的关系,且与员工挫折感影响因素的探讨 仍较为缺乏。因此研究辱虐型管理、工作挫折感、员工幸福感及沉默行为四者的关系对 员工及企业的发展都有较高的研究意义。 本文回顾了国内外关于辱虐型管理、员工挫折感、员工幸福感和沉默行为的文献研究, 根据文献内容建立了四者之间的模型并提出相应假设。并通过 SPSS22.0对调查数据结果进 行分析,出以下结论:辱虐型管理对下属的沉默行为具有显著正向影响作用,对下属幸福感 具有显著负向影响作用。且员工挫折感在这两种影响作用中起中介作用。本文最后将根据 研究的结果,提出相应的管理建议,并提出本次研究的不足和展望。 关键词:辱虐型管理;员工挫折感;员工幸福感;沉默行为 Ⅰ The influence of abusive management on employees happiness and silence behavior -- the mediating effect based on employees frustration Abstract Abusive management has a strong negative impact on employee behavior. However, there is still a lack of research on the relationship between abusive management and employee happiness, the relationship between abusive management and employee silence behavior, and the influencing factors of employee work frustration. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the relationship between abusive management, job frustration, employee happiness and silent behavior for the development of employees and enterprises.This paper reviewed the domestic and foreign literature on abusive management, employee frustration, employee happiness and silence behavior, and based on the literature, established a model between the four and put forward the corresponding hypothesis. SPSS22.0 was used to analyze the survey data and the following conclusions were drawn: abusive management has a significant positive impact on subordinates silence behavior and a significant negative impact on subordinates happiness. Employee frustration plays a mediating role in these two influences. At the end of this paper, according to the results of the study, the corresponding management recommendations, and put forward the shortcomings of this study and pro


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