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relationship betwee n Gov ernment a nd busi ness. The two sessions, Ge neral Secretary of Pro, clear the w ord succinctly summarize d the new relationship betwee n Gover nment a nd busi ness, as pure politics, reshapi ng the political re lationshi p specifie d in the directi on. District lea ders i n handling politi cal a nd busi ness re lations, e ngage in tradi ng power for mone y, and finally st umble d, we a lesson, always kee p in mind that Pr o, clean pra ctici ng Pro, clear. Pro is to open a si ncer e engageme nt with private e nterprise to he lp solve pra ctical difficulties; Clear is to cl arify the Div ision of pow er, exerci sed i n accordance with, private entre prene urs wit h innocent purity, not abusi ng power for per sonal gain, not to e ngage in tradi ng power for money. T hird, i n or der to maintai n fairness a nd justi ce. Fairne ss and justice i s the lifeline of the rul e of law , i s the best devel opme nt environment. Curre ntly, lax law e nforceme nt and t he judicial se ctor in our regi on al so exist to varyi ng degree s, law e nforcement departme nts and individual window units power for per sonal gains a nd bribe s, thi ck friends, relations, huma n cases, money cases in w hich seri ously infringe on the legiti mate rights and i nterests of enter prise s and pe ople. Especially some law e nforceme nt and inspe ction for profit purposes, deli berately looking for cor porate loophol es, found directly under the ticket does not give busi ness improveme nt opport unitie s. We re cruit a compa ny doesnt easil y, cultivating a busi ness more difficult, never for personal gai n, systemati c harassment, card, last che cked to check to get t he enter prise coll apse d. To guarantee the legitimate rights a nd i nterests. Always procee d from the overall situati on of reform and dev elopment of servi ces, f ully consi der the characteristi cs of producti on a nd ma nagement i n non -publi c enter prises and soci al be nefits, an accurate gras


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