定语从句 高中英语语法讲解.ppt

定语从句 高中英语语法讲解.ppt

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定语从句 专项讲解 定语从句 定语从句( the attributive clause):在句中起 定语作用的从句叫定语从句,它所修饰的词叫 先行词。 定语从句的引导词有关系代词that, which, Who,whom, whose,as和关系副词when, where,Why。 1)限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句: 限制性定语从句一般是必不可少的,因为其先行 因为 镥滈態确走隔性能从句可有可无, His brother who works in Shanghai will come here tomorrow 他在上海工作的那个弟弟明天来这儿。(不止 个兄弟) His brother, who works in Shanghai, will come here tomorrow 他弟弟明天来这儿,他在上海工作。(一个兄弟) ●专有名词之后的定语从句大多是非限制性的。 In 1920 he left England for Paris, where he lived until 1924 2)有关系代词和关系副词引导的定语从句的 般用法 ●先行词是指人的名词时,用who,whom(在从 句中作宾语)或that。如: That is the girl whom / that I met at the party He had an uncle who was a minister in the government ●先行词表示事物时用 which或that: These watches are more expensive than those which/ that we saw in New York ● whose可以指人和物,在定语从句中作定语, 如 How many students are there in your class whose homes are in the countryside? A cat, whose eyes can take in more rays of light than ours, can see clearly in the night. ●在时间名词后用when,如 Since the day they left Italy Anna had thought of nothing else but the day when /on which she would see her son again. 在表示地点或场合的名词后用 where,如: Is there a river where we could bathe Edgar went to Joseph clarkes school, where he studied Latin Greek, and mathematics ●在 reason后用Why,如: He didnt give the reason why he was absent yesterday 3)在口语中,在从句中作宾语的关系代词常 常省去: I dont think Ive seen anything(that)I like better The first thing (that)Im going to do when I get home is sleep for a whole day This is the best fruit(that) we have found 4)有时,为了使句子平衡,定语从句与先行 词可以分开。如 Something had happened which I could not understand The day will come when man can make full use of solar energy 5)使用关系代词应注意的一些问题: ●在现代英语中,先行词是 anything, something, everything, nothing,訓等不定 代词时,最常用的关系代词是that: Matter is anything that has weight and takes up space 任何具有重量并占有空间的东西都是物质。 There is nothing(that)I can see in this room 在这个房间里,我看不到任何东西。 ●在现代英语中,当先行词前有last,only, few,much,some,any,no,very形容词、 序数词及形容词最高级等修饰语时,最常见 的关系代词也是t


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