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Section IH — Using Language, Summing Up & Learning Tip ■二 三 四 —'将单词与相对应的释义搭配起来 A B 1.indeed a.not polite rude b.to bend the top part of your body to show respect scream c.a small piece of old cloth rag d.really bow e.to make a loud high noise 答案:l.d 2.a 3.e 4.c 5.b 一 B三四 二、短语互译 温故:从文中找出下列短语并写出它们的汉语意思。 pay one's bill 付账 pay attention to 注意 1 3.for the first time 第一次 5 from the bottom of one's heart 发口内心;衷心地 知新:从文中找出与下列释义对应的英文。 1?冒险 衣衫褴褛 山mgs 3?关于;至于 as for 一二 四 三、当你在英美国家时,如何用英语提出自己的请求?如何在餐 馆点餐?如何在商店购物? 如何用英语提出自己的请求? _ _ _ _ 5. 二四 如何在餐馆点餐? _ _ TOC \o "1-5" \h \z _ 4. _ 如何在商店购物? _ 2?. _ 4. _ 答案:略 四 四 四、阅读Using Language中的短文,选择正确答案 l.Why does the waiter tell Henry the food that he orders will cost a lot of money? Because he is afraid Henry doesn't have enough money. Because he always tells customers about that. Because the hostess is looking at him? Because he thinks Henry is very rich? 答案:A From the passage we know that the owner thinks that all the Americans like to order twice this American is very poor Americans like to eat a lot Americans are the richest in the world 答案:c Why does the hostess scream? Because she is very angry. Because she is shocked? Because she is pleased? Because she is frightened? 答案:B How many bank notes in a million pound were issued according to the passage? A.One ? B.Two. Three. D.Four. 答案:B H H 2 3 4 l.Well,we9ll have to take a chance. 哦,我们得冒点风险。 考点take a chance冒险;碰运气 I don't want to take a chance to run a business? 我不想冒险去做生意。 I You will take a chance of being fired?你将冒着被解雇的危险。 Let's take a chance on the weather and hold the party outdoors? 我们在天气方面碰碰运气,在户外举办聚会吧。 归纳:take a chance后既可以接动词不定式,也可以接of being done; take a chance也常和介词on连用。 I考点延伸 同义词组:take chances chance重点用法归纳: It was in the park that I saw her by chance? 我是在公园里偶然看见她的。 Please tell us if you,by any chance,know it. 如果你碰巧知道这件事情,请告诉我们。 I will go there on the chance of seeing them. 我将去那儿,希望能看见他们。 Chances are that he's already known the truth? 他很可能已经知道真相。 Give me a chance,please.请给


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