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Module 5 Cloning ; 基础落实■ ■ (fb 高频单词思忆 Jurassic Park is an imaginary(假想的)land where there live dinosaurs? It is known to all that sunshine is beneficial (有益的)to plants. 3?My opinion is identical (1^]^W) with his?I completely agree with him? The black mountain contrasts (M) sharply with the white snow? The government is encouraging/鼓励)to take steps to protect the environment. Many young people could not .(抵抗) the spiritual pollution. That s the most incredible (难以置信的) coincidence I, ve ever heard of! The violence (暴力)and bad language in the program shocked many of the viewers? He never ceased to chdse (追逐)after his dream in his vigorous youth? I have nightmares (噩梦)about falling off a cliff. II?重点短语再现 1? a sequence _of 一系列的一a seri es of 一系列的 get nnt nf control摆脱控制一hring ?…back to life使 复活 treat???门??? 把 当成 对待f treat sb. to sth.用 招待某人一treat with sb.与 协 商/谈判 burn 小仃 燃尽:烧坏f burn sth. to the ground sil烧成平地一burn down (建筑物)(被)烧毁 sil contrast with … 与 形成对照一in/by contrast与 相反/相比之下一in contrast to ? ? ?和 相比 as follows 女廿下一the following aft ernoon 第 二天下午一follow one,s example 以 为榜 + ; ; ; I throw oneself「力 扌卜侄i]在 上f throw away 扔掉;抛弃一throw off匆匆脱掉(衣服);; 摆脱一throw up呕吐;呕出 be beneficial t0 sb.对某人有益一(be) identical t0 ...和 一样,与 一致 vice 反之亦然 break Hewn分解;出故障—break讪闯入 —break up分裂:分手 Ill ?典型句式运用 While studying a,t university, he discovers the secret of how to create life? 还在上大学时,他就发现了怎样创造生命的秘密。 考点提炼时间状语从句的省略 ;;; 句子仿造 在日本期间,他学会了日语。 While staying in Japan, he picked up Japanese. Using bones from dead bodies, he creates a creature that resembles a human being and gives it life? 利用死人的骨头,他制造出一个像人的怪物,并 给了他生命。 ;;;;;; 考点提炼V. -ing用作方式状语 句子仿造 一名记者用他的一只鞋子袭击了美国 前总统布什。 I I I I 1 I Using one of his shoes, a journalist hit American former President Bush. In this way, the government makes sure that people are happy with their position in society and will not try to change things? 这样,政府确保人民对自己的社会地位感到心满 意足,而不会试图去改变什么。 I I : 考点提炼 make sure后接从句 句子仿造为了确定他在家,我事先打电话给他。 To make sure that he was at home, I calle


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