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互为因果: 多种致病因素---老年综合征(失禁、跌倒、压疮、谵妄、功能下降)---衰弱---致病因素,同时导致患者无法独立、需要住护理院,甚至死亡 GA is useful for diagnosis, management, functional improvement and outcome. It permits a better service use. The measurable dimensions of the CGA must include 4 compounds: * Physical health (especially for frails, Disease-specific severity indicators…) * Functional status (ADL, IADL…) * Psychological health (Cognition mood) * Socio-environmental parameters which are more difficult to objective. ? These instruments are important for a better recognition of the patient’s support needs and care setting. Little means could be sufficient. Malnutrition and mobility are very important to assess because of their prognostic significance particularly for frail people. Their screening is important to diagnose and treat them early. Mini-mental status is interesting but time consuming. * 现代老年医学的诞生 Ignatz Leo Nascher: The Diseases of Old Age and Their Treatment in 1914 * 美国老年医学发展历史 Edmund Vincent Cowdry – The Problems of Ageing: Biological and Medical Aspects, in 1939 Leslie Libow at Jewish Home and Hospital for the Aged in New York 美国老年医学会 (AGS) – 1942 《美国老年医学会杂志》 – 1946 美国老年学学会(GSA)– 1945 《老年学杂志 》– 1946 * 美国老年医学---现状(一) 国立衰老研究院 (NIA):1974 在退伍军人医疗系统成立老年医学科研、教学和临床中心(GRECCs) :1976 全面的老年人服务项目(PACE): 在一个社区为老年人提供包括急性和慢性长期医疗和社会支持服务 独立的医学专科: 全美内科资格认证考核 (ABIM) 增加老年医学专科资格认证:1988 独立的亚专科: 2006 * 美国老年医学---现状(二) 老年病房(ACE或GEM) 亚急性和转诊医疗(subacute and transitional care) 退休养老社区连续医疗模式(Continuing Care Retirement Community,CCRC) * 美国老年医学模式(一): 霍普金斯医院为例 全职工作人员: 35, 兼职人员: 39 博士后临床研究人员: 15 250床位 两个独立的衰老研究中心: -The Johns Hopkins Center on Aging and Health -The Johns Hopkins Older American Independent Center (“Pepper’ Center) by NIA 服务对象: 各年龄段的健康、亚健康和患有一种或多种疾病、衰弱、 部分功能残缺和生活不能自理的老年患者 * 美国老年医学模式(一): 霍普金斯医院为例 门诊: 老年医学综合门诊 专病门诊(骨质疏松等) 老年综合征(痴呆、尿失禁等 )门诊 老年综合评估 全面的


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