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PAGE PAGE 1 经讨论决定,B班口语测试统一定于18周,比原计划提前一周,请各位老师做好相关调整安排,19周即本学期最后一次课改为综合练习课,进行自主第三次测试和四级专项练习。 ★下周,请各位老师向学生介绍期末口试的形式并把附件B 班期末对话场景公布给学生,让他们开始准备。 口语期末采取随堂考,学生组队参加口试,内容分为准备部分:场景对话(pair work )和临场发挥部分:回答问题(individual ); 录音存档; 1. 准备部分: 场景对话(pair work ),学生事先准备,考场抽签决定话题,时间约3分钟,每个情景对话都有对语言信息点表述清楚的特别要求,学生谈话内容必须涉及到,条理清晰, 语言生动。 2.临场发挥部分:回答问题(individual ),只需学生回答清晰,准确,0.5-1分钟即可。 请老师严格遵循现场提问的原则(不可把问题写在纸上,直接给学生),如一题回答不出,可再问一题, 一个学生可问一到两个题目, 测出学生水平即可。 关于口语考试的组织细节,教研室活动会再讨论,不熟悉的老师可询问教学团队的其他老师,评分记录届时也会发给大家。 ? 听力将于1月25日统一进行,有关听力考试内容与比例,一旦确定,我会及时告知大家。请放心!谢谢! 祝好! 徐永红 Directions: In this part, you are going to make a 3-minute dialogue with your partner. Pick one of the following situational topics and create the dialogue with as many useful expressions you’ve learnt as possible. Situation 1 A and B are meeting on the playground when they are doing exercises. They are talking about the sports they like to perform, sports games they like to watch and their favorite athletes. They also give advice to each other about which sports activities are suitable for them. Useful Expressions: There are a lot of P.E. classes available in our university, for example, basketball, volleyball, football, table tennis, swimming, gymnastics, etc. I’ve signed up for the gymnastics class. I like watching football games, and my favorite football player is …….In my leisure time, I like playing basketball. I’m especially good at hitting three-pointers. Actually there are some simple activities that you can do everyday without special equipments, like rope skipping, sit-ups, and jogging, etc. I think jogging is good for you, because …… Yoga might be helpful as well. It can help to relieve tension and …… Situation 2 A and B are in the same university. This is the first semester of their college life, everything is new to them. They are sharing their views on college life. Useful Expressions: College life is a new and different experience for me. Being around lots of friendly people is one aspect I like


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